For more information on nursing programs at Concordia University of Wisconsin, visit the School of Nursing at When we study the gospel, we are not simply seeking new information; rather, we are seeking to become a new creature., Brother Brad Wilcox, second counselor in the Young Men general presidency and BYU professor, expanded on the idea of becoming a new creature.. announced Come, Follow Me in October 2018 general conference, the purposes and blessings associated with this resource, reported Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace, How Come, Follow Me is helping Latter-day Saints have transformational experiences with the scriptures, How Come, Follow Me is changing the Church home by home, What you probably didnt know about the development of the Come, Follow Me curriculum. Church It is time for ahome-centered Church,supported by what takes place inside our branch, ward and stake buildings.. Here are six compelling additive footnotes from Aprils 193rd 800-849-4433 (Toll-Free) NC Conference of. In Christ Jesus, we find all the promises and blessings of God for His people. Details forthcoming. Garner, NC 27529. Just as Jesus Christ is the strength of youth, Jesus Christ is also the strength of parents. In 2024, Come, Follow Me will focus on study of the Book of Mormon. Do You Know Why I as a Christian Believe in Christ? The move is part of an effort to strengthen and simplify home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning, according to the letter. The worldwide movement for Christian schooling around the world continues to grow. The 30th annual conference, held last week, drew more than 80 participants from 15 states, which represents a return to pre-pandemic numbers. Email. You do not want to miss this one. At the end of that homiletical run, Keller said something that has stuck with me ever since I first heard it. Christ Centered Church (Christ Centered Nation) operates virtually, is a 501 (c) (3) organization based in Atlanta, GA and is led by Senior Pastor, Tim Fryar of Tim Fryar Ministries. Concordia University Wisconsin hosts its 30th Annual Parish Nurse and Congregational Health Ministries Conference. Christ Christ's Fellowship Church, 1601 NW 52nd St., Lawton, United States. His passion for enlisting nurses to impart spiritual care into their caregiving has since grown into a broader concept called faith community nursing., It all falls under the umbrella of community health ministry, Lueders Bolwerk says, which includes things like public health nursing, school nursing, parish nursing, etc. God Is Source of Truth That You Can Always Trust, Says BYU