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She served as director of the corporation until 1958, during which time she was an early and important proponent of frozen foods. After four years of planning and construc tion, MaraLago was complet ed in 1927 to replace it, Situat ed on 17 acres of landscaped grounds between the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Worth, the 50 room, crescentshaped, Hispano Moresque residence is consid ered one of the finest homes in the country. Birdseye convinced Cellophane's manufacturer, DuPont, to create a moisture-proof version. Later, the Birds Eye frozen food brand was introduced to the public, and it remains a visible frozen food brand to this day. Born in Brooklyn on December 9, 1886, Birdseye was a biology major at Amherst College when he quit school to work as a naturalist for the U.S. government. Genealogy for Kellogg Gannett Birdseye, Sr. (1916 - 2002) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. [13] Birdseye patented other machinery which cooled even more quickly. Mrs. Post later visited the plant of the man who had the idea for freez ing food for longtime preserva tion. In 1930, he researched refrigerated grocery display cabinets, and in 1934, he established a joint venture to produce them. He was its only customer until cigar and cigarette companies realized that the material would keep their products dry. Convenience is so much a part of our lives that we tend not to think about it. How the Modern Frozen Food Industry Took Inspiration from Inuits - History The drive for greater convenience is, though, by its nature self-defeating. (28 April 1931). And the more he thought about it, the more he became convinced that quick freezing had huge potential. Rail travel and telecommunications had changed our very concept of time, and the world seemed to be shrinking. He gave us a way of eating that satisfied both our appetites and our Puritan fear of wasting time. But the packaging would disintegrate once it got wet. Butlers worked all day centering tables, using yardsticks to measure the pre cise placement of dinner plates, napkins, silver and candlehold ers. She was known to buy Sears, Roe buck shoes for casual wear. And when it was cooked, it tasted like fresh trout. Convenience requires finding the fastest possible way to get across a continent (or even just your city at rush hour) and the easiest possible way to communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime. He wrote, more than anything else, about what he ate. Franz Josef of Aus tria. WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 Majorie Merriweather Post, the businesswoman and philanthro pist whose great wealth allowed her to entertain lavishly and live regally, died today at her Hillwood estate here after a long illness. People had been storing food in icehouses for centuries. The family, moved to Bat tle Creek, Mich., where Mr. Post sought help for his failing health. After each session, Mr. Post would question her on the meaning of the conference and company plans.

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