Im getting the impression that when this esophageal yeast infection clears up Janet will be released next week. They tell me there is a test that can be done to see if you can tolerate zoledronic acid (Reclast), ask your doctor for sure. Nightmare. Or, they may develop an allergy to one of the products on the market. In the evening Janet checked her E-mail and went to bed early. When the Reclast was mentioned to the DRs they just blew it off and said it was to late for her to be having side effects. The tenderness in her stomach turned out to be pancreatitis brought on by her failing kidney function. He says everything has a risk. she has almost all of the afflictions mentioned and needs dental work due to jaw bone erosion. Class-action lawsuit over Ian-related flooding filed against Deltona The fingers on my right hand began to gnarl and twist about 3 weeks after the infusion and became very painful. Many here believe that eventually the FDA will pull this drug off the market. Reclast lawsuit, Personal Injury: Lawyers: Why sue for prescription drugs? The statute of limitations for filing a Reclast claim varies by state, typically from one to four years from the date you discovered or should have discovered the injury. I've heard very little positive about Reclast and a whole lot of negative. This Friday is my first surgery. Janet worked in the RV, making several trips up and down the 14 stairs from the house carrying things. By the time I went back for my follow-up lab work and appointment the following month my creatnine level was 6.8! October 30, 2010 We went to the local Kroger grocery. If anyone out there has any advice for me I'd love to hear it. First Citizen insists that the FDA is not doing enough to notify physicians and patients about the risks associated with using Prolia. This was a foolish decision on my part. Her blood pressure is high and her heart rate is still over 100 beats per minute. Her stomach is tender, but the thing that causes the most concern is that Janet is having trouble remembering things and at times seems confused. How Facebook users can apply for part of $725 million settlement - CNBC Her heart rate is still high and so is her blood pressure. I have concerns about the electrolyte issues; maybe they will improve when she starts eating normally. Research demonstrated that Prolia caused fractured vertebrae. It literally kills me to see her this way. A class action is a legal procedure that allows many people with similar grievances to join together and file a lawsuit. Today the FDA released a new warning for Reclast regarding kidney failure that has been added to the already lengthy list of warnings of this drug. Janet went all over the store and at times she was out walking me.
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