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When the state created Cochise County, Governor John C. Frmont appointed, and the territorial legislature approved, Behan as sheriff on February 10, 1881.[46]. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. While in El Paso during 1908, he campaigned for sheriff but lost. [1][6] Victoria was already pregnant. This relationship lasted for much of the rest of their lives.[1]. Constance Baker considers service to one's community and country an immense honor. The Board of Supervisors reduced the assessment to $1,000,000, substantially reducing Behan's take by $25,000. This family lived only a few blocks from where Josephine lived with her family. where his deputies and researchers delivered updates on heroin busts, hit-and-runs and the men who'd . While prospecting along the Verde River February 28, 1866, five other men and he were attacked by Indians. All rights reserved. Driver Killed, Deputy Avoids Injury In Hit-And-Run During Human Douglas Satellite Office 520-805-5720. may assist Deputy Sheriff Sergeant in all areas of supervision and may serve as Acting Deputy Sheriff Sergeant in their absence. naar [22] His was initially the only one of six saloons without a prostitute. Her death was officially ruled as "suicide by opium poisoning". Steller column: Wealthy donor to Cochise County Sheriff's Department is His funeral was conducted by the Arizona Pioneers Historical Society, and their eulogy declared, "he held positions of public trust, and in all was active, faithful, and honest. While Ike Clanton was planning to leave town, Frank McLaury said he had decided to remain behind to take care of some business. [7]:108, In 1865, he moved to Prescott, the new capital of the Arizona Territory, where he speculated in real estate and prospected for minerals. The passing vehicle, described as a light or silver colored sedan, fled the scene with what CCSO says is obvious front-end damage. However, efforts to locate the vehicle have been unsuccessful as of press time. Behan was a key player in the events immediately preceding the shootout at the O.K. The homeowner provided the pictures to deputies as well.

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