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In Outbreak, earn 50 Perfect Signal, Loud and Clear, or First Class medals (Complete Objective with the machine in very good condition). Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Milano 821 in Multiplayer. Rank Requirement: 30 Rewards: 8,500 XP and Calling Card Bad Ass Get 1,000 Eliminations with a 3rd primary weapon using the Mule Kick Perk. Exfil a game with only using melee attacks. Complete 25 matches among the top 25% of players. Get 500 Eliminations while aiming down a thermal scope attachment. Tab over to the "Barracks" section. Backgrounds are bought with CoD Points. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Sai in Zombies. Earn a Brutal Medal (25 kills without dying). Dark Ops are back in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, providing players with secret challenges across Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. In Outbreak, destroy 5 Omega helicopters. CALL of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players have spotted a small change to an in-game cosmetic that has some big connotations. The Ballad of 'Deepfake Drake' - The New York Times Get 500 kills using a primary melee weapon. Calling Cards take the form of stylized backgrounds that can appear with or without text on a player's nameplate when that player's name is shown in-game. PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. 12. Get 3 kills with Assault Rifles without dying 25 times. I post high tier pub-stomping, comp, tutorials, tips, and tricks videos . Use Lethal Equipment to kill an enemy that can't see you 25 times. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the M79 in Multiplayer. New York, Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the AK-47 in Multiplayer. Kill 50 enemies using a Brain Rotted Disciple. Kill an enemy with a piece of Lethal Equipment that was thrown or dropped a long distance. Rapidly kill 2 or more enemies while your Spy Plane, H.A.R.P., or UAV is active 15 times. Get a kill with at least two different weapons without dying 100 times. July 23, 2021. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Baseball Bat in Multiplayer. Unlock Gold Camo for 4 Tactical Rifles in Zombies. Kill 10 Specials or Elites with the Tomahawk lethal equipment. Get 1000 Eliminations with LMGs in Multiplayer. Replenish ammo 250 times while using the Scavenger Perk. Unlock Gold Camo for 5 SMGs in Multiplayer. 288K subscribers in the blackopscoldwar community. Get 50 Eliminations against an enemy that shot you from the side or behind. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Type 63 in Zombies. In Outbreak, kill 5 Special or Elite enemies by running them over with vehicles. I post high tier pub-stomping, comp, tutorials, tips, and tricks videos for Call of Duty! Weapons; . Get a Kill Chain (killed more than 7 players rapidly). Get 10 kills with the Tomahawk or Throwing Knife Lethal Equipment. Every CAMPAIGN Challenge & Calling Card In Black Ops Cold War!Welcome to my Channel! That isn't a fix. Destroy 50 pieces of armor with the Shatter Blast Ammo Mod. In Outbreak, do well enough on a Trial to earn an uncommon reward 25 times. Get 50 Longshot Headshot kills using Sniper Rifles. Earn Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert Badges for the Streetsweeper in Multiplayer. Upgrade a loadout weapon to Legendary quality at the Arsenal. Loot - Calling Card Listing - COD Tracker

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