Please click below to be taken to the Clerk of the Circuit Court Online Traffic Ticket Payment System. Chicago, Illinois 60602-1305 (312) 603-5030 The bottom right corner of your ticket will indicate whether or not a court appearance is required. Cook County, MN A ticket marked "YOU MUST MAIL - NO COURT APPEARANCE IS REQUIRED" is issued for a violation that does not require a court appearance and is remedied by a fine only. What is a diversion ticket? Learn More. General Administrative Order No. 2) pay the fine . General Administrative Order No. The driver's license will be returned when the case has been disposed of or if there is a judge's order to return the license. Traffic Ticket Search - Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Click here, After Hours Domestic Violence filing Start here, 50 West Washington St., The issuing police officer will designate on the ticket how you must respond to settle the violation. Waiting Room Fifth Municipal District Children's Advocacy Room at the Bridgeview Courthouse 10220 South 76th Avenue, Room 235 Bridgeview, Illinois 60455 (708) 974-7023 or 6087. You may pay your citation online HERErather than attending a hearing ONLY if your payment is timely submitted PRIOR to your scheduled hearing date. For information on scheduling a marriage or civil union ceremony during the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here. For additional information, please visit the County's website. Since each individual case may be different, you will be transferred to the appropriate area in Traffic for the best response(s). Garbage Fee All cases related to parking tickets are not heard by the Traffic Division. If you cannot find your case or if you have a question, please call Traffic (312) 603-2000 for tickets issued within the City of Chicago, or call the Suburban District in which the ticket is pending. Traffic Division | Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Suburban District in which the ticket is pending. Appeal Your Parking Ticket Online | Cook County Payment must be in the form of a money order or other certified funds. To pay by phone for fines or for office services, using a credit/debit card, you will need the traffic ticket or case number, the amount due, and the Provider number and Product ID number*; then call: 1 (888) 497-8701 *See the list on this page for provider numbers and product ID numbers.
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