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If you don't find the answer to your parking query on the website, you can contact us in the following ways. 020 8726 6000. . Telephone: 020 7823 4567 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm) To find out why Parking Services needs to collect and store personal data, how this is used and your rights to access your information, please refer to our privacy notice. By telephone By post By email Report an issue. Due to a substantial increase in parking demand, new permit applications may be restricted if you live in a new build development, or multi occupancy dwelling including converted properties. .archive #page-title span { MoneyNerd was founded by Scott Nelson, who spent over 10 years in the credit card and loan industry and wanted to do something more impactful. Where to find us. margin-top: 0; . /* Report a parking offence | Croydon Council Hide, Send feedback directly to the content team using our website feedback form.

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