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The code reset is done.4. Duis venenatis, turpis eu bibendum porttitor, sapien quam ultricies tellus, ac rhoncus risus odio eget nunc. Type in six zeros. Brugerhndbog til sikkerhedsboks(For information angende boksens ls(e), se venligst side 6-7. It is 1 2 3 4 5 6 #. Steps on how to unlock and reset the security code on a Heritage gun safe with NL security keypad:1. This signals the lock that you have finished entering all digits of the code. containerHoverID: 'toTopHover', // fading element hover id At your discretion, it can also be set to accept a supervisor code, up to five different user codes, and a time delay override code. Type in 1* (new master code) #, and you will hear chirps again. Pellentesque pellentesque tempor enim, in dapibus turpis porttitor quis. This tells the lock to go into reset mode. SentrySafe is committed to providing you the support you need. 5 minutes cycle for as long as you set the timer to run. The keypad will beep twice. Hazard Standards Throughout this manual you will see a label that indicates situations during the, Outlet Electronic Water Timer Instructions, ELECTRONIC WATER TIMER INSTRUCTIONS, Timer, Digital Controller Instructions, Digital display timer troubleshooting, Data Sheet, Instructions, Microcontroller, PROGRAMMING, Baofeng UV-5R, DYNACO, Outlet electronic water timer instructions, Outlet Electronic Water Timer Instructions. This is best practice to avoid getting locked out from the safe in case of any error during the code change process.3. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies des fins de statistiques. Take a moment and do a search below! cs@heritagesafe manual BP 175 LC SERIES MODELS LCLX, LCMX OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions cover lock operations for LC Series locks. 1 Dual Outlet Electronic Water Timer Instructions Model 56612 Specifications For home garden use only; not intended for commercial use. Parmi ceux-ci, les cookies qui sont catgoriss comme ncessaires sont stocks sur votre navigateur car ils sont essentiels pour le fonctionnement des fonctionnalits de base du site web. To relieve side pressure on the lock bolt, move the safe s handle to the fully locked position, then re-enter a working code. The supervisor code holder can create, change, and delete user codes. Check to make sure the wire connector is firmly seated into its receptacle on the keypad circuit board. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The Rotarybolt Z02 lock is extremely versatile, and therefore somewhat complex to program. This compact safe is disguised to look like a hard back dictionary. Operating instructiOns - Heritage Safe Company

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