Either she did it or didnt. Doesnt take a thing. 2. The federal court judge has not yet ruled on the recent DNA results." If the judge denies further motions from Darlie Routier's attorney, then that court will go ahead and set a date for execution." "Even if by some remote chance, Darlie won an appeal, was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, and acquitted, the District Attorney STUPID JUDGES who denied her right to retrials should be held accountable and off the bench. I cant feel good about it with that nagging feeling shes being scapegoated. The extremely sad events where the murder of young boys is stomach churning for most, if not all of those speaking about Darlie Routiers guilt or innocence. If the test come back in her favor we should all be happy that the technology is here and saved an innocent women. For those of you excited for her execution date, youre sick. Even though I had always assumed that the facts pointed to Darlies guilt, I also thought that the husband, Darin, had to be involved on some level. Routier case timeline. Come on.. they both did it they both should be locked up. Shook is now a Dallas criminal defense attorney. Thats a big issue She didnt want to mention that in court but if she had passed you better believe she would have been shouting it from the rooftops that she had passed it!!!! If they had exposed Darin as they should have in the first trial she wouldnt be sitting on death row, Darin would be there. No doubt she is guilty. Prior to them being sealed, the reports were available to the public. Her hands got messed up while moving the knife up and down because blood is slick when wet. If life threatening should would of been taken to hospital immediately, she stayed and answered questions for some time. So much doubt in this case but Darlie never got the benefit of those doubts. I went to look for more info and that is when I found all the resources I needed, complete with all the transcripts of her own testimony and statements that changed. Omg. I believe that she is innocent. Finally!!!!! The evidence points to her guilt. You want to help Darlie? Just curious: if you turned out to be dead wrong and it was proven that someone else committed the murders, would you have the balls to apologize to her face? Her execution has not been scheduled. Our prayer is that she will be released and that the Detectives (New ones hopefully who are not male chauvinists) will check the evidence again. YES, I MEASURED IT. I think he was there to rape her not to Rob anybody and as far as her acting like that at the grave grave site so big deal!
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