The Health First ColoradoBuy-In Program for Children with Disabilities allows families who make too much to qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) to buy into Health First Colorado coverage for their child with a disability by paying a monthly premium based on the family's income. Community Day Program Joey's Place / Center-Based Program Support Services Co-pays are based on your ability to pay. Learn about issues that affect children and adults with disabilities, veterans, seniors, nonprofit management and advocacy. Looking to help a loved one dealing with a physical or cognitive disability? Community and center-based programs for adults with disabilities offering various opportunities to achieve maximum community integration and independence throughout their life. To keep her brain sharp and to help her socialize! If you are age 18 and younger, pregnant, or living in a nursing facility, you don't have to pay co-pays. So while people who can see simply show their boarding pass and saunter down the jetway, Im left to supply forms, certificates, and ID cards before my Seeing Eye dog is allowed to guide me onto the plane. Benefits and Services(see program information page for full list). Some participants may also enjoy participating in intergenerational activities, available at those Easterseals facilities where we operate both an adult day center and a child development center. The Arc | For People With Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities And what better way to enjoy this? Easterseals is leading the way to full equity, inclusion, and access by enriching education, enhancing health, expanding employment, and elevating community. CCDC offers advocacy training for people with disabilities and their allies. Guess what? The Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (formerly Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) waiver) provides a home or community based alternative for people with a spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, or cerebral palsy with the inability for independent ambulation.