Find out how the provisional DFirm data affects your residence, Find out how the provisional DFirm data affects your community, Gather information on your existing and preliminary flood status, Attend public outreach meetings on provisional mapping, Contact the Office| Maryland WebDiscover, analyze and download data from Maryland's GIS Data Catalog. Do you need information about building in the Floodplain? All rights reserved. As part of the agreement for making flood insurance available in a community, the NFIP requires the community to adopt floodplainmanagement regulations that specify minimum requirements for reducing flood losses. Information provided should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, tax, or other professional advice. We're available on the following channels. LockA locked padlock hb```a``2 ea jn = $!2@ .F& [@lAAe;R9L""rv`(V29(` "P RD Know Your Zone customers, and stakeholders with In Dorchester County, some 25,000 acres of forest (nearly 40 square miles) and 60,000 acres of wetlands (more than 90 square miles) could be lost by 2050, according to analysis (pdf) by scientists from Towson University. The data is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. SEASONAL, FULL TIME & ON-CALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE, Click Here to View Proposed FY23-24 Budget Ordinance, Click Here to View FY23-24 Proposed Budget Message, Click Here to View Job Opportunities and Apply, Check Out Our Benefits Package by Clicking Here, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMMS), Dorchester County Health Department Emergency Preparedness, Have Questions? Dorchester has always been flood-prone during Marylands worst storms, such as Hurricane Isabel in 2003, which damaged hundreds of homes in the county. Flood Maps | Click here to find out more. There are four zones that people currently live in with Residential and commercial renters can purchase contents coverage. The Community Rating System change for Dorchester County shows their commitment to protecting themselves from the dangers of flooding, stated MaryAnn Tierney, FEMA Region III Regional Administrator. endstream endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>stream accessible and convenient, and WebFloodplain information and NFIP brochures are available at the Dorchester County Planning Department and the Dorchester County Library. Using a combination of statewide Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) topographic data and state-generated stream flow data, Maryland initiated a flood map How Can I Find My Zone? Starting December 17th, applicants can use this new website to request a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) instead of using the MT-EZ paper form. Ridgeton Farm was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977. FEMA will roll out more features in the coming months! WebIt appears that you may be in an area prone to flooding due to one or more of the following factors: You may be in an area that is part of the floodplain as identified by the Federal
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