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He was self-educated he was not a medical doctor and held no Ph.D. An obituary describes his controversial health claims, such as curing AIDS and leukemia. Kalawalla Powder: Negro also known as Matico (Piper aduncum): official name Croton Tiglium: Sebi explains how mucus effects the body and how to clean it.Read transcript - Statements in this video have not been evaluated by the FDA. Thick mucus and the mucous membrane - Sebi Guide The adult body consists of around 70% water, so the bodys metabolic functions need adequate amounts of water to function properly. This protocol, known as the Dr Sebi Mucus Cleanse, consists of consuming alkaline foods and herbs. Mucus Remover can be used by itself as a general cleanser or with other herbal combinations. The way the alkaline plant based diet makes me feel is incredible. Disclaimer: The information on this page and on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA. Effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus - Medical News Today Dietary protein and amino acids in vegetarian diets a review. Lunch meals that cleanse: Mucus is the cause of all diseases. Some of these remedies called African Bio-mineral Balance supplements retail at $1,500 per package. Therefore the alkaline diet and African Bio Mineral Balance is based on the premise that disease can only exist in an acidic environment. You can use at-home exercises to help prevent and decrease mucus buildup in your lungs. These breathing exercises are examples of pulmonary hygienetreatments that use physical manipulation techniques to help you cough up sticky mucus and clear your lungs. So I will only post the last nutritional guide provided by the L.A. office shortly after Dr. Sebis death. Dr. Sebi mucous is the cause of every disease, best ways to get rid of Add 1/2 part of water to fruit and vegetable juices. Vegetables (see nutritional food guide) eat a variety of salads, steamed foods, green bananas, etc. Learn how to fight this pandemic with a healthy diet the Dr. Sebi way.Dr. This website uses cookies to improve your experience.

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