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Get the StepOutside Newsletter specially curated by Outdoor experts. Support local journalism by purchasing a digital or print subscription to The Enterprise today. Police identified the gunman in Tuesday's shooting at Bridgewater College as Alexander Wyatt Campbell, 27. A live feed was also provided so area police chiefs could watch the action unfold from a command center set up at Town Hall. A Massachusetts ex-husband is charged with murdering his former wife and setting fire to her home on Friday. All Rights Reserved. Walcott Jr. told policethat "he killed his father because his father was the devil" and that his goal was to kill his father upon arriving at his house Monday, Kelley said. Here are the top 10 salaries, Which Raynham employees made the most in 2020? Association. Enterprise senior reporter Cody Shepard can be reached by email On Target Training, Inc. | East Bridgewater MA Bridgewater salaries: Which Bridgewater employees made the most in 2020? It's clear that the focus is the postseason and getting ready for it. It was the first game his wife, Kellie, and 3-year-old twin daughters, Paige and Peyton, had attended this season. Gene Hart, Bridgewater College shooter Alexander Wyatt Campbell's attorney, told the court that Campbell may have undiagnosed schizophrenia. Supposedly a person was shot and the shooter fled into the woods surrounding the range. East Bridgewater murder: Son arrested, held in father's death First Round Academy May Giveaway ***Sig Sauer P365XL 9mm with safety***,, Two campus officers killed in shooting at Virginia college; suspect in About Us. Bridgewater College active shooter situation: Twitter, Facebook reacts The popular .22 offers almost no recoil, so its easy, Choosing a list of top 10 favorite deer hunting cartridges is no easy task, particularly since there are so many suitable cartridges that could make, The handgun is the toughest of the three primary firearms to master. Do your hunting before you pull the, It is fall, which means that the leaves are changing and gun writers are doing articles on the Great American Deer Rifle. Picking out a, There is an old saying in the gun world, Firearms have only two enemies Rust and Politicians. Be kind to your guns and they, I remember being just old enough to legally hunt big game in New York Stateback then, you had to be 16 to hunt big gameand carrying a, There is a reason the world consumes millions of rounds of .22 LR ammunition each year. Its not all that, When it comes to long-range shooting at big game animals like deer and elk, the best advice is dont do it. As he waited for his turn in the makeup chair, where a fake fatal bullet wound and vats of blood awaited him, East Bridgewater School Resource Officer Mark Harvey stressed the importance of receiving SWAT-level training.

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