On the notice,you will be asked to indicate whether your unemployment is a direct result of COVID-19. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits (PEUC). If you are an employee but you do not have sufficient earnings within the past 18 months to establish eligibility for regular UI, then you may have the option to apply for PUA. COVID-19 related reasons for being out of work include the following: You can file a PUA claim through UI Online, just as you would for regular unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. People who had used all their regular UI benefits as well as any extended benefits. In most states, this means you have to have separated from your last job due to a lack of available work. You were scheduled to start a job that is now unavailable as a direct result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The employers name and contact information. You cannot use EDD Tele-CertSMto certify. To be considered for a waiver, you must complete and return thePersonal Financial Statement (DE 1446) that will come with the overpayment notice, if applicable. ), Meet any additional state requirements. Make sure your documents: Note:If your tax return or 1099 are for the same year your claim began, you must provide additional supporting documents to prove that you were self-employed before the start of your PUA claim. In addition, the maximum PUA eligibility has been extended from 39 weeks to 50 weeks (minus the weeks the individual received regular unemployment benefits and Extended Benefits). Retail shops, restaurants and many other businesses remain . In addition, if you have exhausted the 13 weeks of additional benefits available under the PEUC program, you may be eligible to continue receiving benefits under the PUA program. Nearly all states have processes for employers to submit documentation that an offer of suitable employment was refused by an unemployment insurance claimant. This is just not fair please help us!!! 1-866-487-2365 No, you do not need to submit any documents to the EDD with your PUA application. For more information, please refer to the resources available below. If you earned more than $17,368 in 2019, we would have contacted you about increasing your weekly benefit amount. It adds $600 per week to an impacted worker's weekly benefit amount. Workers overpaid in unemployment may no longer have to return - CNBC Will I have it payback PUA money as our household income is more now? With the large amount of claims we are processing, there may be delays. New COVID-19 Unemployment Benefits: Answering Common Questions You can locate state office information at, unemployment insurance relief during the COVID-19 outbreak. I was an employee and my hours had been reduced or I was laid off as a direct result of COVID-19. Similarly, to receive PUA, an individual must be ineligible for regular unemployment compensation or extended benefits under state or federal law, or pandemic emergency unemployment compensation, and satisfy one of the eligibility criteria enumerated in the CARES Act, as explained in Unemployment Insurance Program Letter 16-20.
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