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Now, that does not take care of the violent extremists out there. Neumann, a graduate of the University of Texas, had a front-row seat and a hand on the steering wheel during the creation of U.S. counterterrorism policy. I certainly have enjoyed spending more time with my kids and getting involved in our local community. Neumann struggled with the decision to join Trump world, and she said she also struggled with the decision to leave. When it comes from the top, it carries a lot more weight, and it spreads in a way that just normal chatter online doesnt have the power to spread. Elizabeth Neumann has more than 20 years' experience in homeland security, dating back to when she served on George W. Bush's Homeland Security Council. A year ago, this is not what I thought I'd be doing. It used to be small groups. Well, hey, that sounds like a good deal. Could you see spikes in organizing activity in online comments? Download a PDF of the paper titled A Conjugate System for Twisted Araki-Woods von Neumann Algebras of finite dimensional spaces, by Zhiyuan Yang When she realized she could no longer, in good conscience, cast another vote for Trump, that sealed it. Moonshots work is rooted in ethics, empathy and human rights. That was very shocking to many of us at DHS. I don't think we realized that they felt so comfortable that their face was associated with this. And it may also have a white supremacist viewpoint, might believe it's a race war, but not necessarily. [11] She testified before Congress that DHS saw extremism building to the doorstep of another 9/11.[12], In August 2020 she made an ad for Republican Voters Against Trump in which she endorsed the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden and called Trump's language and actions "racist," saying she considers "America is less safe" due to Trump's failure in leadership. There was another news organization that looked through court records during the Trump presidency and found - and this was only 2 1/2 years into his presidency - they found over 50 cases of individuals being prosecuted for hate crimes that cited the president as the reason why they felt that they were justified in doing whatever they did. I want to start with the January 6 insurrection. She served as assistant secretary of Homeland Security for counterterrorism and threat reduction in the Trump administration. Elizabeth Neumann is the Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy at the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for developing and coordinating policy on issues such as countering transnational criminal organizations, hostile nation-states, human traffickers, and terrorists; using biometrics, identity management, screening, and vetting to prevent terrorist travel; and sharing information with international partners. Elizabeth Newman - Chief Administrative Officer.. - CBIZ | ZoomInfo And so it was a recognition that we have this new threat. The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, and Neumann and her DHS colleagues saw the bigger picture: the country has a white supremacist problem. So I think it's important for us to find out and understand how coordinated this really was.

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