KEY ISSUES IN THE ENERGY SECTOR IN AFRICA AND PLANNED ACTIONS TO IMPROVE ENERGY SECURITY. -logging\/harvesting trees for profit. What is the occupation of most people who live in the Sahel 3. Abstract. "@context": "", ~Slotted Notes slides 2 - 3 Drilling wells, providing filters, education. "name": "Problem: Water Pollution", At the end students are asked to formulate a well thought out constructed response based on the challenges Africa is facing. }, 4 Microsoft PowerPoint - CSD-17 IPM Presentation KBrand Africa.ppt Author: billy.chen Created Date: The people who live in these areas often face starvation and poverty. What is the occupation of most people who live in the Sahel? Environmental Racism in South Africa: A Sustainable Green Solution The Problems Africans face many different types of environmental issues Some of them are lack of water poor soil quality and expanding deserts Much of Africa has trouble having enough water for people to live ID: 660149 Download Presentation, people water Students can practice identifying the causes and effects of water pollution, deforestation, and desertification. Problem: Desertificationthe gradual transformation of habitable land into desert. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Global warming: severe consequences for Africa | Africa Renewal Africa's urban poor are more likely to live in high-risk zones and are less able to move in the event of natural disaster. "width": "800" How has this shortage of safe drinking water affected the development of sub-Saharan Africa? ", Over farming dries out the soil leaving it dry and powdery. What is meant by Cancer Villages in China ? How do they affect the population? People will pay a lot of money for Ivory Tusks and furs. The Congo River in Africa is used for irrigation of Key examples of such challenges include high exposures to lead, mercury, and air pollutants; the large burden of health risks associated with indoor and outdoor burning of . Permission is granted to download and print the materials on this web site for personal, non-commercial use only, and to display it on your personal computer provided you do not modify the materials and that you retain all copyright notices contained in the materials. PPT Environmental Issues Across Africa Deforestation is the destruction of trees and other vegetation. "description": "", farmland. }, 26
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