By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You are using an out of date browser. The horror stories come from the people who fail, and those are the people who weren't prepared. ATP Flight School Review (2023): My Experience As A Student - PTO and Once on top, he had me demo (no hood) how I would show a student unusual attitude recoveries. After the flight, he asked me to debrief him as if he was student and explain what I would do next. My journey to CFI-I was not without challenges but it is not an overly difficult checkride, in my opinion. Skywest checkride failures - Is FMVA Exam open book? W X All have cell walls. But even if a student finds that needle in the haystack, that newbie still doesn't know all the stuff you can only learn by flying in the system. For example, on Day 1 I asked my instructor for advice on syncing my lesson plans with the PTS. If total energies differ across different software, how do I decide which software to use? Honestly, I dont think that I would. ILS. As I took off for my commercial with a soft field take off, the examiner failed me immediately because my wheels touched the ground after take off, but he asked me if I wanted to continue with the rest of the tasks. At my flight school and the airline associated with it. Do check rides completed by part 141 schools with self-examining authority count like normal check rides for CFI renewal and gold seal? Again I said sure. Failed Checkrides - Page 3 - Airline Pilot Central Forums Personally, this isn't a career for me, so CFI/CFII is a way for me to make my hobby cheaper for me, plus I love teaching. Some of the others had countless numbers of hours flying manipulating the controls with a parent. You are not some kind of charitable organization whose job it is to train him. I have some thoughts to share that may not be too popular, but from my perspective are very accurate. Our kids grew up thinking it was normal for people to fly. I started flying in the 1980s when there was still the hope of fairly rapid progression to a major airline and when the majors still had very high pay.