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He said Ahrens and another witness also told detectives that the car deputies found wasnt the killers, though investigators insisted it was. Unfortunately, James Archer later died from Brights Disease, a genetic condition applied to kidney disorders at the time. This was primarily because Betty worked to put her then-husband through post-graduate school so that he could become a lawyer. Quite why there were so many cases of organised husband poisoning is not known even the motives of the women who sought such services arent clear. If you see someone stabbed multiple times, thats also indicative of intimate-partner homicide. But even if we were to accept this, it cannot have been the case for every woman who poisoned her husband. 'Anger, revenge, resentment': A deeper look at what drives some When police finally apprehended Durst in Louisanna this past spring, they found a bizarre array of items , including a latex mask, .38 Smith & Weson revolver, a fake Texas ID, his . It happened so fast, said Sugeng recently. They only stared at him as he paced to and fro in front of his house, completely naked. Her special brewa mix of arsenic, belladonna, and leadcalled "Aqua Tofana" killed about 600 men. She will be a convicted murderer for the rest of her days . Love Triangle Murders: Famous Cases of Tragic Affairs - In Touch Weekly Andrews family, including his sister Nellie Pierce, grew suspicious of these events. Jlia Fazekas killed herself as soon as she realised the game was up, but 26 women were tried for murder, including Susi Olh. She later buried him in the backyard and painted the bedroom to try and hide evidence. He was arraigned on charges of misleading a police investigation/obstruction of justice, and improper conveyance of a human body in March. The killing of a husband is called mariticide . According to Stuarts statement, a Black man carjacked them and shot them both. Ana Walshe case: Massachusetts mom still missing as husband Brian In Agatha Christies first mystery novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1920), she famously wrote that poison is a womans weapon. This had her right back in court, charged for murder again. She poisoned him with antifreeze, an odorless and colorless poison. Thus, love turns the woman into a hostagea hostage to the mans lifeand this puts her own life at risk, he went on.

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