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[43] Women chief editors became fairly common during the 18th century, when the press in Sweden developed, especially since the widow of a male printer or editor normally took over the business of her late spouse: a successful and well known female newspaper editor was Anna Hammar-Rosn, who managed the popular newspaper Hwad Nytt?? [45], After a famous failed attempt to divorce her husband, Lord Colin Campbell, in 1886, Irish born Gertrude Elizabeth Blood turned to journalism. Andrea Mitchell: a journalist, anchor and commentator for NBC News and MSNBC, she has been the networks Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent since 1994. J. Anthony Lukas: a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, best known for his book on school integration in Boston: Common Ground: A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families. Of these comments, approximately 1.4 million (approximately two per cent) were blocked for abusive or disruptive behavior. Margaret Bourke-White: a photographer who was among the first women to report on wars and whose pictures appeared on the cover of Life magazine, beginning in 1936. Allen Neuharth: an author and columnist and media executive, he founded USA Today in 1982 and the Newseum in Washington, DC. It is intended to start a conversation not end it. The Irish writer Frances Cobbe wrote for the London Echo from 1868 until 1875, with most of her work appearing in the newspaper's leaders. Du Bois: a sociologist, civil rights activist, editor, and journalist who is best-known for his collection of articles, The Souls of Black Folk, and for his columns on race during his tenure as editor of The Crisis, 19101934. He was irritated because the U.S. During the newscasts time slot, an open tennis match was shown. Visser is married to long-time national sportscaster Dick Stockton. Christopher Hitchens: a prolific journalist with a large vocabulary and no fear of controversy, who wrote many widely discussed books and wrote columns for the Nation and Vanity Fair. John Chancellor: a newspaper and television reporter who worked at the Chicago Sun-Times, as the anchor of the NBC Nightly News from 1970 to 1982, and as the director of the Voice of America. A former correspondent for Horace Greeley's New York Tribune, she persuaded President Millard Fillmore to open the gallery in congress so that she could report on congressional news. See also Women journalists by name and by category and Women printers and publishers before 1800

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