Email:, Hours: or error within, malicious or otherwise, Fike & Fike, Inc., and the county, Christian County (through Fike and Fike) Clark County. By law, each property, other than farmland, must be viewed, inspected, and revalued once every four years (excluding Cook County). The surviving spouse must occupy and hold legal or beneficial title to the primary residence during the assessment year and submit a Form PTAX-342, Application for the Standard Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities, available from your local assessment office, to transfer this exemption to themselves. The process of adding the equalization factor/multiplier is called intra-county equalization. Christmas Eve-Tuesday, December 24 (35 ILCS 200/15-175) The amount of exemption is the increase in the current years equalized assessed value (EAV), above the 1977 EAV, up to a maximum of $10,000 in Cook County, $8,000 in counties contiguous to Cook County, and $6,000 in all other counties. Welcome to Bureau County, Illinois. For a single tax year, the property cannot receive this exemption and the Homestead Exemption for Persons with Disabilities or Standard Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities. Disclaimer of liability Federal and state financial assistance is provided for service-connected veterans with disabilities for the purpose of acquiring or remodeling suitable dwelling units with special fixtures or moveable facilities made necessary by the veterans permanent and total service-connected disabilities as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Welcome to Monroe County, Illinois. When filing with PTAB, it is a whole new case. Phone: (815) 872-3241. Chief County Assessment Officer, Main Office: Online Tax Payment. 217-424-1364 . Fike & Fike, Inc. Computer Software and Services Bloomington, IL 1-800-525-3678 Lacon, IL 61540 Phone: (309) 246-6085 #2, #2 Fax: (309) 246-6101 Email: Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday, Closed Holiday's Perform Treasurer Inquiry Rabies Tags The Marshall County Treasurer's Office sends notices and collect fees for Rabies Tags. Parcel Data . Availability of this website Internet:, Contact an Official/Department You must there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one thats only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. The user expressly agrees that use of this website is at the user's sole risk. excluding legal holidays. Holiday Closings: Christian County Holiday Schedule. After hearing your arguments and asking you questions about your evidence, the Board will ask the assessor to respond and provide any additional information. Zone: IV . Supervisor of Assessments - Macon County, Illinois Mailing Address: File usage on Commons. 9th Street Macon County makes no representations or warranties in relation to this website or the information and materials provided on this website. Assessment levels must be uniform to ensure. Link to exemption forms, Senior Citizens Real Estate Tax Deferral Program. Fax: (815) 815-872-0143. The property cannot receive this exemption in the same year it is receiving the Veterans with Disabilities Exemption for Specially-Adapted Housing or the Standard Homestead Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities.
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