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Good luck on the research; please present data as they become available. I can see it now: A comet-tail of empty coke cans and styrofoam burger containers all the way to neptune. Force and inertia may indeed be relatedbut they cannot be equated. Kim clement:5 NEW ENERGY SOURCES? Firepointe E, Huge Signs - YouTube . (reference my last post) And under the current physics models its understood that the atomic forces that hold electrons in atoms is much stronger than gravity. February 18, 2012 (3pm PST) Sure, the pudding will sit on the fork, but it just works so much better and makes so much more sense to use a spoon. I decided to have a bit closer look at this and found an interesting site that presented me with many pages of detail99.9999% of which I did not understand. Alan, wed like you to test out this new rocket system. The excited response to Heims work had exposed G-projects that had been inspired by Thomas Townsend Brown. AS i said There were more dimensions in world In a semantic and highly technical sense, not precisely. NASA is the General that puts the basic specs required for the unit. What I caught a glimpse of was something completely different, where there wouldn't even be a tangible screen, glass and whatever they use today. But some of the comments i did not agree with. Its very complicated and different from anything Im familiar with. An energy beam that stabs out of galaxy M87 like a toothpick in a cocktail olive is pulling off the ultimate magic trick: seeming to move faster than the speed of light. Fiat and Firepoint Mechanical energy is commonly taken to be the kinetic energy of aggregations of matter, not of streams of photons. I also agree with Silverhill that saying harmonic energy is responsible for expanding or collapsing space is very much New Age blather and not in any way scientific. Contact Us - DeLeeuw Research All I ever said was real!!! Its the theory of relativitytime and speed are relative to the observer. Go out of the ark. Do not distribute or repurpose this work without written permission from the copyright holder(s).

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