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The period of time for which such exemption may be granted to a new business or expansion of an existing business shall be determined by general law. H.J.R. By order of the governor any elected municipal officer indicted for crime may be suspended from office until acquitted and the office filled by appointment for the period of suspension, not to extend beyond the term, unless these powers are vested elsewhere by law or the municipal charter. a municipality, county, special district, or agency of any of them, being a joint owner of, giving, or lending or using its taxing power or credit for the joint ownership, construction and operation of electrical energy generating or transmission facilities with any corporation, association, partnership or person. The assessment of the following working waterfront properties shall be based upon the current use of the property: Land used predominantly for commercial fishing purposes. The requirements of legislative apportionment in Section 16 of Article III of this revision shall apply only to the apportionment of the legislature following the decennial census of 1970, and thereafter. Added, C.S. The organizing, equipping, housing, maintaining, and disciplining of the militia, and the safekeeping of public arms may be provided for by law. All justices of the supreme court, judges of the district courts of appeal and circuit judges in office upon the effective date of this article shall retain their offices for the remainder of their respective terms. There shall be a mandatory period of three days, excluding weekends and legal holidays, between the purchase and delivery at retail of any handgun. Tax exemption for totally and permanently disabled first responders. Thereafter, such property shall be assessed as provided in this subsection. ROLE OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. Pursuant to general or special law, a county government may be established by charter which shall be adopted, amended or repealed only upon vote of the electors of the county in a special election called for that purpose. Selection of members by the board of governors of the bar of Florida shall be by no less than a majority of the board. The state board of education shall appoint the commissioner of education. It is our pleasure to provide this 2022 Amendment Guide. 7, 2004, proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State April 1, 2003, adopted 2004, published [f]ull [t]ext consisting of a statement and purpose, the actual amendment inserting the following new section at the end [of Art. . (d)Such other provisions as might be required by law. The Constitution of the State of Florida as revised in 1968 consisted of certain revised articles as proposed by three joint resolutions which were adopted during the special session of June 24-July 3, 1968, and ratified by the electorate on November 5, 1968, together with one article carried forward from the Constitution of 1885, as amended. No tax shall be levied except in pursuance of law. H.J.R. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. The justices shall, subject to their rules of procedure, permit interested persons to be heard on the questions presented and shall render their written opinion not earlier than ten days from the filing and docketing of the request, unless in their judgment the delay would cause public injury. VIII, State Constitution, provides that: ESTABLISHMENT. for H.J.R. For the purposes of this amendment, said state board shall be a body corporate and shall have all the powers provided in this amendment in addition to all other constitutional and statutory powers related to the purposes of this amendment heretofore or hereafter conferred upon said state board.

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