OWFmZDRhNGI2ZmYwNzAxZTNlNGE3YjhiMGIzOGQ5MmQ3ZTg0ZWVkNWZjNjA0 All interested and qualified students are encouraged to apply regardless of ability to pay. University, FSU | Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement. CLOSE. Session 2: June 25 - 30 FAQ ZDE0ODkyOWIwOTlkOWRhOTIyZTM1OWQxY2ZjODM3Nzk0NGE5ZDE4ZWM3NTc0 Along with taking classes from university professors, students can try out different major fields and interact with others who share their interests. Florida State The program will focus on the following: academic survival skills, career exploration, life management skills, leadership training, senior seminar, computer skills, music appreciation, creative writing, civic duty, physical fitness, social/cultural enrichment field trips. NjhjNmNmNzcyODJiYTAxNWUwM2I0YTMxMDQ0MDBhNzNmYTk2ZmM1MTRiZDI0 -----BEGIN REPORT----- Application Deadline: May 1, 2023 Session 5: July 31 - Aug 4, SATS Day Camp Website Contact: Bill Turner Email: satscamp@bio.fsu.edu. Session 2: June 5 - 8 If they do not receive an email from our system, please double-check that you have their correct email address before contacting us. ZjA2YjhmOTIyMjNkZjI0ZTFiYmFjMTJhNWVlNjZkMDcyMDAzZWJmYmJjOGI4 The one to two-week summer program lets students get a taste for different specialties, including zoology. ASTERIX Summer Research for Undergraduates | May 22 - July 29, 2022 - Participants will work in a team setting on ASTERIX projects in advanced sensor technologies with a focus on applications in Electrical Engineering including mechanical and electrical device characterizations, high-voltage engineering, 3D printers, hardware sensor integration, Camp Challenger Summer Camps at the Challenger Learning Center for ages K-12 feature hands-on STEM activities led by experienced educators, and are held at various times during the summer for students separated by age range and topic. A unique aspect of this program is the chance for high school students to conduct their own independent research projects under the sponsorship of an FSU professor. As a Program Specialist my main responsibilities involves conducting services for educational programs primarily focusing on . Please note that Florida Youth Institute has a different application process than our other programs. Florida State The Florida Youth Institute is a one-week residential summer program for rising high school juniors and seniors interested in learning more about college majors and career opportunities pertaining to the life sciences, biological engineering, natural resources and Florida agriculture. Tallahassee, FL 32306, FSU Directory Assistance Pre-College Programs | Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement Omaha, Nebraska | June-July | High School Juniors with 2.75 GPA, application required. Many students dream of the chance to participate in the one-of-a-kind atmosphere of a college creative writing workshop, but for a variety of reasons, the prospect of attaining an innovative writing major/minor isnt the right path for them. Through hands-on activities and expert-led sessions, students will explore key concepts such as hardware security, internet security, information encoding, error correcting codes, cryptography, and blockchain.
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