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40-75 words/min. (2) The major histocompatibility complex II complex is presented at the cell surface. They are similar to flashcards, but the process is more involved and results in better outcomes. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. Yet, despite the previously stated benefits and popularity of flashcards, several factors limit their potential. - pull Hear/Say High frequency behavior competes effectively against lower frequency behavior. CHAPTER 4: Skill Acquisition Flashcards | Quizlet the fluid combination of accuracy plus speed that characterizes competent performance (Binder, 1996). Having a student perform the steals of a sequence from the last to first step, An instructional procedure that reinforces individual responses in sequence, where one behavior cues the next, Reaction to punishment where the student being punished may retaliate, Reinforcement every time the behavior occurs, Differentiating among similar stimuli or environmental cues, Reinforcing a behavior that topographically comets with the unwanted behavior, Reinforcing any behavior other than the unwanted targeted behavior, Reinforcing a lower rate, frequency, or intensity of an unwanted behavior, The length of time between the intimation and conclusion of a behavior, The number of times a behavior occurs during an observation, The length of time between the presentation of the stimulus and the initiation of the behavior, The intervention that is manipulated in order to change a behavior, The procedure of withholding reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior, The rate that students accurately preform a behavior, Testing a hypothesized relationship by manipulating variables thought to occasion or maintain a behavior, Expansion of a student's capability of performance beyond those conditions set for initial acquisition, Providing a desired behavior to prompt an imitation, The contingent removal of a stimulus immediately following a desired behavior that strengths that behavior, The contingent presentation of an event immediately following a behavior that strengthens that behavior, The arrangement of environmental variables to establish a functional relationship between behavior and its consequences, Describe an action in observable, measurable behaviors, Arranging prompts to reduce the likelihood of an unwanted behavior, Any high-probability activity may serve as a positive reinforcer for any low-probabiltiy activity (Grandma's Rule), An added stimulus that increases the probability that the SD will occasion the desired behavior, Applying a stimulus immediately following a behavior in order to decrease the future rate or probability of that behavior, Removing a stimulus immediately following a behavior to decrease the future rate or probability of that behavior, Allowing students to come in contact with potential reinforcers to determine which reinforces are likely to be effective, The process of pairing stimuli so that a conditioned stimulus elicits a response, "Charging" or "fining" for a behavior by removing positive reinforcers, A condition that occurs when the reinforcer will no longer work, A schedule for the delivery of reinforcers contingent on the occurrence of a behavior following a fixed period of time, A schedule for the deliver of reinforcers continent on a fives number of occurrences of a behavior, A schedule for delivery of reinforcers contingent on the occurrence of a behavior following a variable period of time, A schedule for the delivery of reinforcers continent on a variable number of occurrences of a behavior, Teaching new behaviors through differential reinforcements of successive approximations to the target behavior, The relationship in which an antecedent event of stumbles occasions a behavior, The process of breaking down a complex behavior into its component parts, An antecedent that occasions a behavior that results in reinforcement, An antecedent that does not occasion a behavior reinforcement, The level of a behavior before the intervention, the relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience, A stimulus or even the precedes a behavior, any stimulus or even that follows is behavior, The gradual removal of prompts to allow the SD to occasion a response independently, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine.

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