1c. - TFD. Create a bulleted list of four descriptive terms describing possible experience a person may have. Accountability 2. Creativity 18. Quick Learner, innovator or creative person He might be introvert or extrovert. which illness trajectory did she experience? Descriptive writing tends to include figurative language, such as simile, metaphor, and onomatopoeia. 4 Ways to Write a Descriptive Paragraph - wikiHow This is essential in a descriptive essay; its what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique. You pride yourself on your ability to focus on something (or someone) to the exclusion of everything else. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs, verbs, and even nouns. English Language Teacher Education in a Diverse Environment - Academia.edu Quick Learner, innovator or creative person. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. You breathe in motivation throughout the day and keep the fire in you stoked and ready; you also love to motivate others. Go with your gut. These may be your own experience, the experience of someone you know, or they may be the experience a made-up person could have. These may be your own values, or they may be made-up but possible values another person could have. What is a word for having a lot of life experience or a person with a lot of life experience? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Because it's not highly populated, Actions-he likes to drink rum and wind and bark at people. Youre drawn to genuine people, even if theyre not always nice; you admire their authenticity and work to emulate it. Other surface descriptions might be: veined, rough, dull, wrinkled (or shriveled), glistening. A person with an active lifestyle engages in a lot of physical activities. Honesty values that the person have. . Why should Yiddish be "very onomatopoeic"? Itsessential to your personal evolution to take stock of your values on a regular basis, and then make the necessary changesto align your life with thesemost important core values (also called personal values). k) Create a slide titled Describing Experience. The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? The variability or dispersion concerns how spread out the values are. You want to evoke the spirit and appearance of the person without getting too wordy, and strong, well-chosen language and phrases are the best way to do that. A) It provides you an opportunity to acknowledge the assistance of a remote team member. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? They are commonly assigned as writing exercises at high school and in composition classes. Appropriate word for a young person who behaves like a cynical old person? This contribution is based on what students already know about language and culture within their own communities. To learn more about lifestyles, please check: brainly.com/question/11400527?referrer=searchResults, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Describe what it might be like to live on another planet. Creative. You cherish the ability to give hope to others and build up their confidence. Plotinus, provided with an Imperial rescript, undertook the regulation of his philosophical commonwealth in Campania, where a brief experience of architects and sophists threw him into an ecstasy, not of joy, which endured an unusually long time.
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