for 30 days, $13.00 usernames are not allowed. Keep it clean. Alethia P. Hovermale, 27, of Berkeley Springs, was charged with grand larceny and misdemeanor destruction of property. (Already a member? You get home delivery Monday through Saturday plus full digital access any time, on any device with our six-day subscription delivery membership. Indicted as co-defendants were Cassandra Elaine Summers, and Daren Edward Summers, 27, both of Frederick who are charged with possession with intent to distribute heroin; possession with intent to distribute fentanyl; distribution and possession with intent to distribute a fentanyl/heroin mix, possession of heroin; possession of fentanyl; possession of paraphernalia (glass smoking device for coccaine); possession of paraphernalia (a digital scale for fentanyl); possession of paraphernalia (glass vials for cocaine); and possession of paraphernalia (torn plastid baggies for fentanyl) for an incident which occurred on Janaury 26th, 2022. Police say Hamrick. An indictment shows that a grand jury determined there was enough evidence against an individual to proceed with a case. Our short-term pass is the digital equivalent of buying a couple of papers at the corner store. WINCHESTER A shooting suspect, a man accused of firing a shot in his home triggering a police standoff, and an alleged child molester were among the 44 people indicted by a Frederick Circuit Court grand jury on July 8. Sorry, no member giveaways, custom newsletters, linked accounts or ePages access with short-term passes. To continue reading your local news, please register for free. Or join for unlimited access. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Membership includes access to newsletters, special offers and the ability to share your subscription with up to four additional household members. The following people also were indicted by a Frederick County grand jury at its July session: Jeremy Ryan Gowers, 38, of the 1200 block of State Road 259, Mathias, W.Va., for grand larceny on April 1.
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