Business Solutions including all features. China dominates exports structure, recording X tons, which was near 81% of total exports in 2021. A paid subscription is required for full access. This statistic displays the garlic consumption across India in fiscal year 2012, broken down by region. During the measured time period, the southern region consumed the most garlic with about 702 grams per capita. [79] Garlic has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which give it great therapeutic potential against a number of diseases. Galen, writing in the second century, eulogized garlic as the "rustic's theriac" (cure-all) (see F. Adams' Paulus Aegineta, p.99). While not exclusively served with meats, toum is commonly paired with chicken or other meat dishes such as shawarma. Use Ask Statista Research Service. Over the last nine years, it increased at an average annual rate of +2.5%. [29], Among alliums, garlic has by far the highest concentrations of initial reaction products, making garlic much more potent than onion, shallot, or leeks. The forecast exhibits the market prospects through 2030. Based on the FAO Statistical database, the production of Garlic reached 20.4 million tons. It is pollinated by bees, butterflies, moths, and other insects. In eastern Europe, the shoots are pickled and eaten as an appetizer. On the other end of the scale was Bahamas with 0.826 kt, Belize with 0.858 kt and Swaziland with 1.37 kt.Which Country Eats the Most Onions? Garlic This chemical opens thermo-transient receptor potential channels that are responsible for the burning sense of heat in foods. The French, whom the British like to think of as big onion eaters, in fact made do with a modest 5.6kg each. Her recipes are simple, delicious, and healthy perfect for anyone who wants to cook like a pro! We'll occasionally send you account related emails. Prices varied noticeably country of destination: the country with the highest price was the Netherlands ($X per ton), while Thailand ($X per ton) was amongst the lowest. Retail garlic prices vary considerably. Several reports of serious burns resulting from garlic being applied topically for various purposes, including naturopathic uses and acne treatment, indicate care must be taken for these uses, usually testing a small area of skin using a low concentration of garlic.
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