Walk out to the dam to see a variety of wildlife and even some ancient petroglyphs! I remember her. The remnants of the dam remain in place and the area is largely accessible to the public. I can remember a dirt road on the left right before the bridge that went all the way thru to 269. It is not located on Al 269, You can get to the Bridge by Al 269 or Minor Parkway (aka Docent Rd. After offering her a lift, the men realized that the woman did not or would not notice them. Attention Palo Verde Power Plant Outage Workers! Another cemetery is located between hiway 269 and Mulga Loop rd along the lake. I remember the graves on the left marked with brick on the way to the dam and also found real old baseball uniforms not far away live in Washington ST. now .was a happy time. The Singing Bridge always gave me my que to wake up because we were almost there. Praying is a common occurrence, as well. Thanks. Arlington, Arizona, Ghost Sightings It was fun. I was raised in Minor. We used to go to the bridge often as a teen. The historic Gillespie Dam Bridge spans the Gila River on Old US 80 Hghway, between the communities of Arlington and Gila Bend. Haunted by Lingering spirits here, because.. of the cemeteries nearby. Went across the bridge many times going to family reunions in mulga but have never seen ghost. The precise size of the flood was not recorded due to equipment failure, but an estimate based upon a high-water mark recorded on USGS equipment yielded a peak flow of approximately 200,000 cubic feet (5,700m3) per second, corresponding to a predicted 65-year flood, or a flood of a magnitude anticipated only once per 65 years. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. No, the old one referenced here was torn down and replaced many years ago. Due to the recurring problems the state of Arizona had with concrete girder bridges, Leeson suggested the state turn to building a multiple span steel through truss bridge instead. gillespie dam bridge haunted. The car caught on fire with the young lady and her prom date, and it burned down the bridge. I was to grown up to go to the little school so I went to the Big School, when we had a community building, TCI let us use one of the old machine shop buildings for a church, Baptist one Sunday, Methodist the next, lots of fun and a good place to live. If you're driving from Phoenix to Yuma, its a great alternative route. "[2], The winter months of 1993 saw unusually high rainfall amounts that resulted in record flows through central Arizona rivers and streams, including the Salt River, a major tributary to the Gila upstream from the Gillespie Dam. Since then, people interested in ghost stories have reported seeing abandoned cars near the bridge, mysterious lights, and even the ghostly figure of a goat herder leading his flock across the bridge. The bridge is located on AL 269 over Bayview Lake. Have a picture of Mr. It will allow them to be high enough to have a better look at the Dam area and water running on the North side of the Dam. lynn Robinson February 3, 2015. And heres an article with more information about this, When it comes to haunted places, Mississippi has no shortage of them.