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z o.o. I think the documentation should really make it more obvious that you need the whole pipeline to complete before the artifact is accessible and that you can't use this within the pipeline. Just like with all projects, the items mentioned on the page are subject to change or delay, and the development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc. The build and deploy stages have two jobs each. To download a single file from the artifacts use the following URL: See allpix-squared/allpix-squared as an example. On the other hand, if jobs in a pipeline do use needs, they only "need" the exact jobs that will allow them to complete successfully. Senior Software Engineer at Popular Pays, Michael Menne Hundreds of developers use Knapsack Pro every day to run fast CI builds. For the second path, multi-project pipelines Aim for fast feedback loop. When the "deploy" job says that the build artifact have been downloaded, it simply means that they have been recreated as they were before. Understanding them well can give you faster runs and better feedback loop, making entire team more effective. Is there a way to use OR condition with needs in GitLab CI job Use them in the next stages. Let's look at a two-job pipeline: stages: - stage1 - stage2 job1: stage: stage1 script: - echo "this is an automatic job" manual_job: stage: stage2 script . In fact if you build a "stageless" pipeline, there will still be at least one stage that holds all the jobs. Note that gitlab-org/gitlab-runner issue 2656 mentions: But the documentation talks about this limitation in fact : "in the latest pipeline that succeeded" : no way now to get artifacts from the currently running pipeline. How to build a custom Knapsack Pro API client from scratch in any programming language, Do you use different programming language or test runner? Software Engineer at Collage, How to run 7 hours of tests in 4 minutes using 100 parallel Buildkite agents and @KnapsackPros queue mode:, Tim Lucas This is incredible! You are using the word "stage" here when actually describing a "job". The basics of CI: How to run jobs sequentially, in parallel - GitLab

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