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When you disconnect the jumper cable plug from the jumper starter, the smart Over-Start Protection will reset. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Check for loose cables and connectors. It doesnt matter when the unit is touched with small splashes, you just need to wipe it off. Do Not store in locations where the temperature may exceed 60C/ 140F. Our only small issue with this product is the manual that is a bit hard to understand and deal with. What on Earth does that mean, recommended usage? As an affiliate, we may earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Only use this unit to start the vehicle when the battery indicator is more than 2 bars. Do Not keep the unit connected to the vehicle battery after successfully starting the engine. Cigarette Lighter Socket Output Connect the 12V devices that need to be powered by cigarette lighter socket (the Cigarette Lighter Socket, 5.5*2.1mm DC Output You can connect the 12V devices that need to be powered by the 12V DC port. GOOLOO jump starter starts a car in only three steps. I have said it before and I will say it again; jumper cables are an essential tool for motorists. It features the super LED flashlight with 3 modes for emergency situations such as you are in adventure, outdoor, travel, etc. The GOOLOO Jump Starter will not charge devices that draw only a weak load current. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. LED Indicator The LED power indicator tells you its remaining power, prompting when your jump starter needs charging. The point is all batteries die at some point. One of the most critical factors to consider when jump starting a diesel engine is the number of amps required. Alkaline batteries have one life cycle, how long that is, depends on its use. Using the high-speed USB-port you can quickly charge various types of equipment. Disconnect the charging cable and plug it in again, try to continue charging for hours. GOOLOO GT3000 Portable Car Power Jump Starter Power Slope User Manual - Manuals+. Clore automotive recommends only six seconds of cranking and then three minutes of rest. As an affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases. The warranty is valid upon presentation of the original receipt ( Order ID )by the original purchaser with the product that need to be repaired or replaced.B. Jumping start a car can be so easy. While the amps needed to jump start a diesel engine can vary depending on the engine size, generally,, No one wants to be stranded, anywhere, ever, whether you are in your driveway, at work, or on vacation. 12+6 Months Online After-Sales ServiceWithin 12 months, we will provide timely and effective online after-sales service after your purchase, if you are our member customer, you will get an extra 6 months of service, a total of 18 months. After an extended period of time at those temperatures, the battery of my jump starter box will not operate at peak efficiency.

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