The superintendent is essentially the face of the district. "It breaks my heart to see my daughter. Children need to feel safe emotionally, physically and socially in order to thrive in a learning environment," Hughes said. He was also an assistant principal at Aiken High School and principal at Schofield Middle School. The Consolidated School District of Aiken County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provider of educational services for students and, accordingly, does not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, disability, sex, age, alienage, national origin, or marital status. He has extensive experience in educational leadership at both the classroom and school levels, spanning nearly two decades. The current Board made the final decision, but it was also a collaborative process with the three incoming members, who were involved in the interview process and conversations. Assistant Superintendent of Middle and High Schools' Secretary. Concerned by the number of closed-door meetings, parents and teachers filled the Greendale High School library during a January school board meeting to show support for Tharp and his three-year career in the district. Paul Strobel - School of Education | UW-Milwaukee 'I'm looking forward to staying in the community and serving in any way I can.'. "People Advocating for Greendale Equity is hoping that this will prompt the schools to live up to what they promised in the original settlement and to enact it in a way that's really meaningful and has a positive impact on the growing number of students of color in the schools who we know continue to be subject to, unfortunately, racist incidents and other bias incidents," said PAGE vice president Nat Godley in an April 10 phone interview. Prior to working for the District, he served as Chief of Staff for Williamsburg-James City-County Public schools in Williamsburg, Virginia. Purdue University Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education University of South Carolina Masters in Educational Administration. Greendale hasn't had stability in the district because we've had a revolving door in the Superintendent's Office for a number of reasons. State University of New York at Fredonia Bachelor of Science in Economics with a Minor in Computer Science. The district's lawyer told Merriett and Knox's lawyer that the district's student equity team was now involved in planning student events. I know these are some heavy topics to begin our school year. In 2005, Green received the School Business Manager of the Year award from Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials and the School Safety Coordinator of the Year from the Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators Association. He is also a member of the Aiken County Commission for High Education, the Aiken County Commission for Technical and Comprehensive Education, and is a past president of the Rotary Club of Aiken-Sunrise. WebAbout Greendale Public School History of Greendale Public School Mr. Larry Koerner has graciously prepared this record of the history of Greendale School.
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