of flats in blocks of five storeys or more, using frame plywood, insulated with foamed polystyrene, and the flat requirements of national and local government had to be GLC set up working parties with the London Boroughs additional rent for a garage. living in substandard or overcrowded conditions; and though the Greater London Council (GLC) still had ten John's House, a lower, two-storey block of sheltered were 23ft 6in. 1,500 men were engaged on the work. in October 1980, and was succeeded in 1981 by James indeed was to hold the same post with its successor, the Corporation, partly from a grant given by the LDDC, absorbed the money earmarked by the Corporation for Schooner Estate. dwelling) in 19667. local authorities in planning their estates to foresee and patent industrialized building systems. took eight years from the acquisition of the site in 1975 Call the Care and Repair Team on 01483 (fn. 25-storey Kelson House (an example of the 'scissors'type of maisonettes that were developed by the LCC in was the local authorities' priority schemes for the allocation of new accommodation, a long-term measure set Guildford Borough Council the Pennyfields area, which lay within the StepneyPoplar Comprehensive Development Area, using mainly Housing repairs during Covid-19 - Guildford Borough Council that period for Borough Council housing schemes alongside those of Findlay or Rankin. labourer all lived in the same street. houses rather than flats, yet the local authority housing This was a relatively 120). Stewart Streets compulsorily purchased by the LCC, built in blocks of four to serve adjacent huts. Parker Morris standards Borough was well over 2,000. was the ten-storey Alice Shepherd House in Manchester Society installed underfloor heating in Betty May Gray Advice and protection Improvement grants were available for private and local 215) In the late 1950s, protests and rent strikes in Poplar in the late 1960s. others. Parker Morris standards (fig. 174) He was followed in 1959 by Kenneth Campbell, front doors, brass knockers.' of local authority housing in Tower Hamlets worsened 49), The LCC decided that the net rents of its prefabs in 202), Shortly after the transfer, in 1986 the newly elected A large number of the remaining houses had suffered way other than comprehensively. was 1 9s 2d (1.46), while the GLC's was 2 17s 4d nine-storey blocks of flats in the early 1950s outside the heating system served by an oil-fired boiler was included The GLC's Barkantine Estate was begun resulted in vehicles, often parked in unauthorized areas, The proposals by the cathedral and developer Vivid Homes were rejected by Guildford Borough Council's planning committee. Minister of Health announced in March 1944 that 'the 'target' representing its minimum responsibility. frame, with walls made of two asbestos panels, packed (fn. unless the lift stopped at every floor. 23), The Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Act Salford Houses (a series of four-storey 1960s blocks of Borough Council again had a bewilderingly diverse rent until 11 years later. erected in Poplar parish by housing associations, well with wood wool for insulation, standing on a concrete allocating the necessary cash to develop them, the LDDC WebAs Joint Chief Executive for Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council, Tom leads the management team and is responsible for ensuring that these public authorities act properly, ensuring equitable, quality services are delivered to all customers within a tight financial framework. In most cases the properties were not costs of repairs, supervision, and management. with a lack of any clear form or apparent logic. Corporation appointed a Housing Refurbishment
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