Where a door is particularly tall (typically 2400mm high or more) you may be required to add a fourth hinge. <> All rights reserved.Company registered in Scotland number SC194458Registered office: Halspan Limited, Muirhouses, BoNess, West Lothian, EH51 9SS, UK. If you want to contact us about FD60/90/120 doors please get in touch! % Optimainternal fire door blanks feature Halspan's unique 3-layer particle board. Door Systems. Choose from a wide range of compliant door configurations, based on comprehensive test and scope data, and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that the door system products you specify are and will remain fit for purpose throughout their service life. Product Selector. Halspan UL 10 C is compliant with North American codes and rated at 45 to 90 minutes. General Properties To save you time, we have collated all of our brochures, data sheets, case studies, NBS clauses, and specification documents in one place. Resources . For further detail on taller doors, additional hinges etc. This hinge is made from Stainless Steel and suits the dimensional criteria set out above. <>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04]/Parent 2 0 R /Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj endobj Tested Product: Unlatched, single leaf, single acting, timber based, flush door leaves fitted with Between Glass Blinds vision panels. endobj Our timber or glass door and steel door frame solution offers unprecedented flexibility. 4 0 obj PDF INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FD30 DOORS - Birmingham Joinery Download. D'J{8!$~tXpIzv,^ZYQ{>2d @l-|1 rnr$Ww{7X ov-Of4xfgy{Qw-=;g4q7G>L)9y:P>`'T^'a==r Simon Drake PDF CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL No CF 534 - meyertimber.com endobj Its important to ensure that the hinges are fitted in the correct positions on the door. Single acting door frames must incorporate a 12mm deep rebate or planted stop. Door frame section must be a minimum of 70 x 30mm. Please do get in touch if we can help you further with your hinge requirements. On this test the datum for the hinge positions is always the centreline of the hinge; Top hinge Max 250mm from the top of the doorBottom hinge Max 250mm from the bottom of the doorMiddle hinge Positioned centrally between the top and bottom hinge OR max 300mm below the top hinge. but dont impact on the fire rating on the hinge. Flush door handles - Based on the test evidence cited within CNA/F15315 Revision D which permits the machining of the Halspan 30 Prima/Optima door core to a minimum thickness of 18mm in order to achieve a panelled door appearance when using a 54mm overall thick core (in accordance with Section 6.2) or 8mm when using a 44mm overall thick core. please see our separate post. <> tOe=OjOGWOO{\Hw#=#'=|8JUxrWMGk:tn-1eR!r+2B*P!v;,gnz\\c?rtvz6hGTlH>rIA__{Jya[?2BG{G},W%!ABqkM[Byau S. Another variation is on the Jeld-Wen Tubeboard door core. 3 0 obj<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Annots[9 0 R]/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> All rights reserved.Company registered in Scotland number SC194458Registered office: Halspan Limited, Muirhouses, BoNess, West Lothian, EH51 9SS, UK. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
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