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Make two Goats? Mason is an EDH player from Georgia, who is a self-proclaimed Johnny and Vorthos. Grand Architect+Pili-Pala Is another infinite mana generation tool, you tap Pili-pala with frand architect (after making it blue) and then use the 2 mana from the architect to pay Pili-pila's untap effect to gain 1 mana in total for every time you do this. Whatever is needed, the Foundry will supply it. Wednesday 11am-6pm Terms of Use | Therefore, probably bad includes, not for being too strong, but for being too narrow. Were not in the wing business. The first part of our game plan is to get experience counters. Both of these cards will likely be top priority for removal, so be prepared to include ways to protect them until activation. Not only does Arachnogenesis completely blank that attack and probably the next one, you also get a large number of experience counters ready to use to win on your next turn. No problem. So your walker will get 2X +1/+1 counters when it comes into play and can gain 2 +1/+1 counters by spending 1 mana and tapping it. , : Put a +1/+1 counter on Hangarback Walker. There's a chance to be blown out with this, but the potential upside of generating a massive board advantage is worth the risk. Heres a game I played against the computer using Forge where I used the Hangarback Walker to break the deadlock and win the game: Doubling Season works very well with Hangarback Walker since for every counter you play, you get a duplicate of that counter. Thopter Assembly+Time Sieve Lets you have infinite turns, all you need to do is make sure that you have Thopter assembly on the battlefield before ending your turn so you have 5 more artifacts to sacrifice. If we want to go "bigger" with our value, we can try our hands with two options that give our opponents plenty of chances to stop us. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Dont miss out, The Infinite is a must-see event! For example, if there are three +1/+1 counters on Hangarback Walker and it gets four -1/-1 counters, youll get three Thopter tokens. , : Put a +1/+1 counter on Hangarback Walker. Really, it's this type of versatility that makes Tawnos sing. Let's be blunt. Hangarback Walker for 2 mana with 1 counter and Arcbound Worker for 1 mana. By casting these cards for zero, you trigger Bridge from Below to create Zombies and get halfway to bringing back Vengevine. Ezuri, the Claw of Combos - Showtime Cards Today you are in for a treat, as I get to cover one of my personal favorite legends from Commander 2018, as well as a commander that I am actually building in paper! Scrap Mastery should be in the deck, but I haven't found a good cut for it at the moment. Yedora, Grave Gardener | Primordial Mist | Hangarback Walker With that said, what are some some good combos with XX creatures? Rare and powerful MTG cards every player dreams of having in their decks! Plaxcaster Frogling is an all star in the deck when it comes to protecting our things as well. After entering combat Hangarback will have 3 counters. If your opponent plays one of these, do everything you can to destroy it as early as possible for not only will it get more powerful as the game progresses but youll also need to deal with the fallout from the 1/1 flying Thopter artifacts thatll be summoned for each counter on the walker when it dies.

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