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Then use the publicly availableinteractive online Hawaiian Moon Calendar to begin familiarizing yourself with the moon phases and theirassociated planting acitivities. It was produced by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council and includes an observational space for each anahulu (traditional 10-day period) with hopes that others will take up the practice of using the calendar as well.. But in this time of calendars and clocks, of fixation on fixing things in place, of quantifying and codifying, few have time to stand each night and watch for the moonrise to tell us where in the month we stand. (808) 522-8226 (fax), 2019 WP Council | All Rights Reserved |, Northern Mariana Islands (Mariana Archipelago), Western Pacific Community Development Program, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, 2023 Eskaleran Pulan Chamorro/Refaluwasch Ppl Maram (CNMI Lunar calendar), 2023 Fanhaaniyan Pulan CHamoru (Guam Lunar Calendar), 2023 Kaulana Mahina (Hawaiian Lunar Calendar, 1114 Classroom version), 2023 Kaulana Mahina (Hawaiian Lunar Calendar, 4.57 Fishermen version), Press Release Fishery Management Council Recommends NOAA Support Local Communities in Hawaii (18 April 2023), Council letter to Nicole LeBoeuf, NOAA NOS amending proposed fishing regulations for the Monument Expansion Area (April 14, 2023), Letter from AS Governor Mauga to J. Coit and S. Malloy, NOAA about AS intent to file lawsuit if ELAPS is repealed, April 14, 2023, Request for Comments: 2023 U.S. Territorial Longline Bigeye Tuna Catch Limits (comments due by April 28, 2023), Press Release: Issues of Fairness, Equity and Respect Dominate Fishery Management Council Meeting (4 April 2023). Mhalu (to unfold like a flower, to blossom), 14. Hawaiian mythology shares with other ancient cultures around the world themes of love and loss, of triumph and suffering as a means to understand the natural world. 2023 Eskaleran Pulan Chamorro/Refaluwasch Ppl Maram (CNMI Lunar calendar) 2023 Fanha'aniyan Pulan CHamoru (Guam Lunar Calendar) 2023 Kaulana Mahina (Hawaiian Lunar Calendar, 1114 Classroom version) 2023 Kaulana Mahina (Hawaiian Lunar Calendar, 4.57 Fishermen version)

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