Hawaiian Dictionary. Last Update: 2013-05-14. Fun Fact: This common Hawaiian name is the equivalent to the Hebrew name, Matthew. Translate Given Name. E.g. Many years later the famous British captain James Cook would visit the island and refer to it as the Sandwich Islands. Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability. By donating to our small business, you accept and acknowledge the donation terms. Love the Hawaiian language, it sounds like language of music! It is also Hawaiian meaning "diamond", derived from the English word diamond. Find translations of a given name in other languages. Choose your English to Hawaiian translation service - - - Translate .pdf.doc.json Translate files from $0.08/word - - - 0 characters. "How are . Your Name In Hawaiian - D - e-Hawaii Duane Kuane The content provided within is for entertainment purposes only and should be thoroughly vetted out elsewhere prior to taking action. A Hawaiian sentence sometimes puts the emphatic word at the beginning to make a point. Very much love - Aloha nui loa. English to Hawaiian translation service by ImTranslator will assist you in getting an instant translation of words, phrases and texts from English to Hawaiian and other languages. Your Name In Hawaiian - M - e-Hawaii Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Anaehoomalu was a small village located in North Kona and is well-known for its spectacular petroglyphs. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, you should not use this website. Alika Guardian. Enter Name: Translate. iPad. Fun Fact: Makani is considered a unisex name in Hawaii. Guide of Hawaii, LLC is a privately-owned (non-government) business. Fun Fact: Kalani is the male version of the Hawaiian name, Kalanie. Since there is no S in Hawaiian, you can replace it with a K. And because every syllable has to end with a vowel and there are no double letters, you add an A after that. Buggah is just fo' fun kine k? The translated text is generated within a few seconds using various algorithms for a precious translation of your text. Fun Fact: You might recognize the name Lilo from the famous cartoon duo, Lilo and Stitch, which is set in Hawaii! Fun Fact: You might recognize this name from the Star Wars franchise, but the name dates back to biblical times. In old Hawaii, the choice of a name, or inoa, was very important. Please help. Fun Fact: Mililani is the name of a Hawaiian town in Honolulu County. Type the name you wish to find and press Translate. If your name is not found, you may contact us and we will research your name through Hawaiis Bishop Museum. Search More results. I am going to print name tags for her friends in Hawaiian. Can you translate what my name would be in HawaiianThanks Tama. This naming process preserves history, as the names commemorate past events.