Most Texas billionaires did OK in 2022. Writing on business and local events. Follow me for the latest updates. Edgewood ISDFull-time employees: 5,699.79 (includes full and part-time employees)Average base pay: $48,133.49, 21. Federal Agency State County City University & College School Other. This is a carousel. By subscribing, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge that your information will be used as described in our Privacy Notice. PDF Highest paid San Antonio city employees mostly Additional benefits: This includes the employer's share of FICA/Medicare, pensions, annual health assessments and other services provided to employees. The top 10 percent of employees reaped 20 percent of the total budget. The highest individual earner out of all four cities was Arthur Gonzalez, Dallas' city . The average City of San Antonio salary ranges from approximately $36,000 per year for Cashier to $107,640 per year for External Affairs Manager. The highest reported pay for the county was $345,660 for Diane Molina, Chief Medical Examiner - X. Bexar County, Texas in 2022 ranked 191 st in the nation among highest paying counties and 2,132 nd in the nation for overall highest paying employers. RELATED:New list ranks San Antonio fourth in the country in best salaries and job opportunities. His base pay was $440,620, just ahead of Assistant Police Chief Anthony Trevino, who earned $420,317. This data comes from the citys finance department and covers what city employees were paid between Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021, the most recent date range for which data is available. Get San Antonio's best journalism delivered to my inbox daily. Somerset ISDFull-time employees: 2,227.16 (includes full and part-time employees)Average base pay: $45,138.71, 29. Inspire AcademiesFull-time employees: 559.18 (includes full and part-time employees)Average base pay: $49,590.33, 15. Members of the committee charged with studying council aide compensation said earlier this month that there simply wasnt enough time to get into benefits, noting they faced a tight deadline to made recommendations on how to divide the more than three-quarters of a million dollars that the council set aside last year for pay raises this year. Ranked: Highest-paid city employees in San Antonio for 2016, Texas college baseball player shot by stray bullet during game, Texas couple banned from Planet Fitness over harassment. 30 highest-paid City of San Antonio employees The highest paid city employee is City Manager Sheryl Sculley, who earns more than $414,000. This is a carousel. Unlike hourly city employees, council aides dont get overtime, dont get the same level of health insurance and arent eligible for the citys pension plan. Six members of the police and fire department - including Fire Chief Charles Hood and Police Chief Willam McManus - also made the top 20 list. The Express-News analyzed data from the city's finance department to determine the highest paid employees. Twitter: @KoltenParker, City employee databasePolice, firefighters well compensated. Amid rising tension over City Council staffers getting paid less on average and having fewer benefits than regular city employees an attorney has warned a lawsuit could be coming the San Antonio City Council unanimously approved increasing the fund set aside to pay their aides by 15 percent Thursday. Each department had fewer than 50 employees and an average total compensation of more than $100,000 annually.
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