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r/hoi4 Hours later in the game, it's 1950, and now the Lithuanian Chad decided to combat the red menace by flooding the country with democrats, and now we have a non-aligned ruler running a democratic majority country who is in the Comintern The fuck?? Francoist Spain, or Nationalist Spain, is an authoritarian regime that came to power in 1939, historically after beating Republican Spain in the Spanish Civil War. Great Spain - Unify the Nationalist Front - hybrid of the above two with Franco; this is the historical path. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The tactic that seems to work best is to immediately encircle the nationalist capital in Zaragoza and continuing your way from there. You will get few events firing that will increase popularity of democratic faction. Are you guys playing 1.1? This means for a while you just need to focus on holding out until your equipment reinforces (ask the soviet union for lend lease). You are using an out of date browser. I've tried about 6 times now (failing every attempt) to turn spain from the 1936 era, democratic. If you play as Greece and control all Greek States, Bulgarian States, Turkish States, and Yugoslav States, you are well on your way to creating the Byzantine Empire. What do you think? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It's a bit harder than the nationalists. fall back behind the river in the north and let the AI waste its manpower on you till it runs out. And only when very special conditions have been met. @ALE199-ITA Yeah, but honestly, I'm kinda happy that they finally they decided to rework Italy. Puppet/War for Democracy. Cookie Notice It tends to be volatile; the same methods work in some games, others it just doesn't. World tensions limits stay the same (100 for declaration of war and so on) but it is not any longer necessary that your target has generated . Anybody have any tips for helping the Nat's beat the Rep's? Archived post. Thanks for watching!Thank you to all our Patreon supporters! Spain has 18 states within (at the start of the game). is this task too great? This could be used as an exploit as almost all their divisions elsewhere will be on low supply. - Horace Walpole, Chief Weapon is Surprise achievement code. If you are playing as France, you can go monarchist and complete the Unite the Crowns focus to create the Kingdom of Franco-Spain. and also allows you to make them your targets to puppets at the end of the war. My question, reading all the advice above, is more about fronts and offensive lines - I've only been playing a couple of weeks and I'm curious, how do you guys recommend positioning forces to carry out quick encirclements and flanking manouevres the way you're all describing above? and our The Blum-Viollette Proposal Sub-branch.

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