Staff will conduct multiple deep cleaning and sanitizing throughout the day and after use by each client. Visit the website we provide or call the number listed to see if they can help you in your situation. Bullhead City, AZ 86439, is a free website for people looking for homeless shelters across the United States, 2023 All Rights Reserved. We realize this is a valuable resource for the homeless and these lists of pet friendly shelters are hard to find. In March 1864, the current site of Bullhead City was the location of a settlement called "Hardyville". There are no shelters that match the current criteria. You can also visit one of the following websites for additional information on who to contact and where to go. The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Participants come from as far away as Canada. About 15% of the homeless population in the U.S. is comprised of 'chronically homeless' individuals. its citizens. We do not directly provide aid ourselves, but provide local resources for you to find. Provide Shelter - Bullhead City Corps - The Salvation Army Steamboat travel above that point to places in like El Dorado Canyon, Callville and later Rioville was possible only during the few months of the late spring to early summer flood caused by snowmelt in the upper Colorado River watershed. Box 20205 Region 397 hosts the annual Colorado River Invitational Tournament at Rotary Park. Supplies and equipment for off-roading, hiking, boating, scuba diving, and fishing are locally available. It is a criminal offense to feed the homeless within the park as the city council do not want to encourage homelessness. (All figures in 2013 inflation-adjusted dollars.). Hope is that the project is completed in October of this year. From 1864 to 1883, steamboats made regular trips up the Colorado River from Port Isabel in Mexico and, after the arrival of the railroad from Yuma, Arizona, stopping at Hardyville regularly to deliver supplies to the mines of the surrounding mining districts and those to the east in the interior of Arizona and carry out their ore for processing and sale.