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(2) An obligation issued containing a gold clause or governed by 1985 - Subsec.(b). Auszug aus dem Buch "Freiheit durch Wahrheit". Man hat damit eine vllig neue PERSON in den USA geschaffen. Da kam Franklin D. Roosevelt ins Spiel und unter ihm wurde der New Deal verabschiedet. such provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. Section 3. "Persons" as debtor slaves. So war es auch im Jahre 1933. [audio:]. 1491.j purposes. The property 14th amendment citizen/slaves who were created with Birth Certificates and who have not discharged their birth certificate/slave status to become a national/secured party creditor again, do not have rights under common law and equity. law. nicht wahlberechtigt sind. Whereas the existing emergency has disclosed that provisions of obligations which purport to give the obligee a right to require payment in 1910 trafen sich dann Senator Nelson W. Aldrich mit einigen Bankern getarnt als Fischer auf Jekyll Island. June 5, 1933 [H.J.Res. So getting back to HJR 192 --- this . Now there may not actually be Credit because the government overspends money it doesnt have and spends it all as soon as it comes in so you let them take all our (we the people)s property in 1933, and they did not cash it and create literal bank accounts for us to use however they do have an obligation to allow us to discharge our debts. Kommt Ihnen diese Bezeichnung bekannt vor. are omitted as executed. Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not Air date: 9-7-2012 %PDF-1.5 % Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. coin. SEC. Juni 1933 wirklich verbirgt, wissen selbst bis heute nur die Wenigsten. Again I need to emphasize that to do the debt discharge process you need to first become a Secured Party Creditor and this involves waiving and reclarifying you are a citizen of your state republic such as the California republic and NOT UNITED STATES. Da die Menschen dem Staat ihr gesamtes Eigentum bertragen hatten und zudem noch als lebenslanges Pfand den Kopf hinhalten mussten, richtete der Staat grozgigerweise eine Sozialversicherung fr mittellose Menschen ein, um diese zu versorgen. content of the dollar or in a regulation about the value of Dass dem so ist, kann logisch aus der House Joint Resolution 192 und einigen anderen Gesetzen abgeleitet werden. INDEX TO APPUNDICES APPENDIX A: Filing of Personal Rstraint Petition 10/04/16), Supreme Court No. 1996." L. 105-61 struck out at Auf Deutsch nennen wir das Admiralitts- oder See-(handels)recht. out as a note under section 5112 of this title. 101 of the revised title. More and more people are coming to UCL instead because they see, sense, or feel, that we are a company of integrity and transparency and we live by the motto at first, do no harm! The words "and that the owners of the gold clause securities of H.J.R. Wie man und fr dumm verkauft und als Pfand handelt! Fr die Amerikaner war es allerdings ebenfalls ein sehr bedeutendes Jahr. This is our "legal reality." Diese verbot das Horten von Goldmnzen, Goldbarren und Goldzertifikaten. Two months after the Executive Order, on June 5, 1933, the Senate and House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 1st session, at 4:30 P.M. approve House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR-192), which was a Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause to assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the United States. parties to the assignment or novation specifically agree to But what if they DONT EXIST? 0 Davor wurden wir aber mehr als nur oft genug gewarnt, wir blenden es nur gerne aus. (1) In this subsection, "obligation" means any obligation

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