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The question "how far away along the line of the boundry do I have to be befor I can raise the hight of the fence" has everything to do with the boundary line! Pick a modest and not so heavy fence so that you can install it yourself. Yes, absolutely. Neighbours living next door to Lucy East have been extending their Churchill Road bungalow for several months after moving in around a year ago. what you are saying then Sid that while you are only responsible for one fence, some one must be responsable for two fences or do they go on ad in for nightum, and do you have to allow next door on to your garden to maintain your side of the fence ,and do you have to go in to some one elses garden to carrie out your responcibites, I know it is said that the law is an ass ,but realy. 3 How close can you build to a neighbors property line? The aim of this legislation is to ensure that developers who have already made significant investments into their projects should not be penalised after a certain period has elapsed - regardless of whether they have complied with all relevant rules and regulations or not. If you compare it with other options like a stone wall, this is an affordable option you should seriously think about. I already knew about the height limit! Not just for privacy, you can actually showcase your mastery and taste on flowers too. Can you have windows overlooking your neighbours Garden in Northern Ireland? This is important as it helps to ensure that there is enough of a separation between two dwellings so that their occupants are not able to see into each other's homes. How close can a developer build to my house UK? This rule is applicable in a variety of situations, such as when there are obvious breaches of planning permission or other associated regulations. However ideally They dont lose their leaves even in the winter. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Implementing such fences with shrubs and tall trees like Green Giant and Emerald Green arborvitae does not cost much and you dont need help from any professional landscaper. Fitting an upper-floor side elevation window that is not obscure-glazed and can open (unless the opening part is 1.7 metres from the floor of the room). You can also set a canopy over your deck or patio to block your overlooking neighbors too. While constructing a building, it is important to ensure compliance with Building Regulations. However, in some instances a side window to a secondary room, (e.g. To some extends, we all faced those nosy neighbors. hall, bathroom, store room), may be acceptable if there is more than 2m between the properties and obscure glazing is used. hope you enjoyed 'Life' tonight. It also considers the time of day when shadows are cast over any neighbouring properties or open spaces including gardens, parks and play areas.

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how close to a neighbours window can i build