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In a tantalizing moment early in the story, readers learn that he does tell his life story to Smee, but Smee doesn't understand it, so readers never hear what it is: There came over him a desire to confide to his faithful bo'sun the story of his life. He thought they were best friends, and then one day, Peter simply banished him from Neverland because he missed his mother. As Hook attempts to strike Peter one last time, he leaps into a hatch which he gets stuck and about to fall off his ship only for Hook to land on the mast. He would eventually be rescued by a kindly man named Mr. Smee. Hook then tells Peter to know how he survived the fall, which he tells him that a little help from his friends helped him survive. Zootopia: Judy Hopps Nick Wilde Mayor Lionheart Flash Yax Gazelle Chief Bogo Clawhauser Finnick Mr. Big Bellwether Jerry Jumbeaux Jr. This website cannot be displayed as your browser is extremely out of date. Tales of the Code: Mungard Marquis d'Avis Finding Nemo/Finding Dory: Nemo Dory Hank Crush Bruce Baby Dory Destiny Bailey Pearl Platinum Nemo Darla Speaking of casting what-ifs, there are several familiar faces who were up for a variety of roles in Hook (including an especially intriguing one we will get to eventually), and Academy Award winner Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most notable names on that list. Wreck-It Ralph: Vanellope Ralph Yesss Fix-It Felix Jr. Calhoun King Candy Pixel Ralph After Emma Swan's wish of not wanting to be the Savior is granted, an alternative realm is created in which the residents of the Enchanted Forest live in a world where the Dark Curse was never cast and the Evil Queen was defeated. The Black Cauldron: The Horned King But Hook gets his revenge on Barrie by fast forwarding time on the ship to Never Land and when Barrie returns home his discovered decades have gone by and everyone he knew grew up. Those Lost Boys, especially Raushan Hammond, were certainly lucky have him as their Peter Pan. Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord Gamora Rocket Raccoon Groot Drax The Sword in the Stone: Arthur Archimedes Merlin Madam Mim Sugar Bowl Young Mim

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