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Noteman says: Note that Human Playback interprets rit., accel., and other tempo indications automatically. Configuring audio playback for SmartMusic accompaniments - Finale To log out of classic SmartMusic, tap Log Out. This is especially important if you want unison (a2) passages to sound like they are being performed by two separate players. Classic SmartMusic iPad User Manual, Leave feedback on this topic A possible work-around is to resize the page using the View menu (zoom in or zoom out). Regardless of instrumentation, fingering charts are only shown for the solo instrument. Double-click the first measure of the mid-score instrument change. Keep tempo changes conservative to allow the musician to create their own interpretation and provide a smoother following of tempo nuances for the Intelligent Accompanist. Choosing playback devices, adding an audio track, and syncing the beats. Using Sky Suite as a guide, your students will learn the art of arranging with the use of different articulations and styles on a traditional folk song. Customizing your Sight Reading Builder level - SmartMusic Practice titles at different speeds by changing the tempo. Exercises and many solos can be played in different keys. Explore how different time signatures and rhythms can influence composing a new piece of music. Most SmartMusic Accompaniments use the MIDI sounds for playback in classic SmartMusic. For instance, if you have a flute assigned to channel 1 in bank 1's ARIA Player, then the flute staff in Finale's Score Manager must be assigned to Bank 1, Channel 1: Things become slightly more complicated if your score has more than sixteen instruments, because this requires the use of more than one ARIA Player instance. Compose YOURSELF! - MakeMusic Some aspects of notation that can be created in Finale are not fully compatible with SmartMusic. When you have finished assigning instruments, be sure to play the file to review your changes before saving. Free composition resources, lessons, and activities. You can change the MIDI channel assignment for this slot by clicking on the lower right number and selecting a different MIDI channel from the drop-down menu: You may choose any ARIA Player channel (from 1 to 16) for the selected instrument. Finale has two options for playback: MIDI and Audio Units. While there, make sure the volume faders are turned up to 100%, including the master control at the bottom. by DavidGaines Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:57 am, Post Click an individual Instrument (directly on the Name) to activate the settings in the lower portion of this window, which can be used to edit the staff properties, such as the clef or notation style. Click OK, then Assign. If you want to specify a rallentando passage, for example, which slows drastically in a short amount of time, you may want to tap eighth notes instead of quarter notes to indicate the gradual change in tempo for the duration of the passage. Some of this information, like the title and composer, appears directly in your score as a text insert. The playback is quite nice. Other tips address the unique issues of the SmartMusic enhancements and limitations. Will try to explain. Click the measure of the staff you want to record into. However, when you create a SmartMusic solo assessment with accompaniment and choose Include Audio, the playback in SmartMusic exactly matches the playback in Finale.

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