You must respond to the infraction within the following timeframes: Your mailed response must be mailed no later than midnight on the day the response is due, or you can submit it in person by the due date. It's easy and convenient. To request these services, please contact the court at (253) 841-5450 or via email. This course requires Judicial approval for infraction or criminal matters. The lien document is three pages total. I hold a Washington CDL. For infractions, the back of the ticket lists the options you have for responding to the ticket: 1) payment, 2) payment plan, 3) request a mitigation hearing, or 4)request a contested hearing. "image": [ High. {"@type":"AdministrativeArea","name":"Kitsap County","url":""}, If you commit another traffic infraction within the one year deferral period, your original fine will become due. }, James B. Feldman, Attorney At Law, P.S.C. Request a deferred finding by completing the reverse side ofthis form; the court must receive it by fax or mail at least 5 business days prior to your scheduled court date. You may require witnesses, including the officer, who issued the notice, to appear at this hearing. This course requires Judicial approval for infraction or criminal matters. {"@type": "NGO","name":"Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (WACDL)","sameAs":""}, If you fail to pay these penalties they will be sent to a collection agency. "addressRegion": "WA", Request permission for this option by completing the reverse side ofthis form; the court must receive it by fax or mail at least 5 business days prior to your scheduled court date. The judicial officer may defer the ticket for up to twelve (12) months on conditions deemed appropriate. "audience": [ At the end of the deferral period, if the driver has met all conditions and not committed another traffic infraction, the court may dismiss the infraction. Accessibility, Request a hearing, 30 Extension, Contest/Mitigate by Mail or Deferred Findings. If granted, you will be required to pay an administrative fee in the amount of the original penalty listed on the ticket within 30 days (no exceptions), and your infraction(s) will be dismissed upon payment. You are about to call the following number: Misty Butler Robison , Court Administrator, 930 Tacoma Ave South , Room 239, Tacoma , Washington 98402. Generally not, which is both beneficial and tricky. The primary purpose of a deferred traffic ticket is to allow you to maintain a clear driving record and keep your insurance costs down. The judge will decide whether to grant you a deferred finding. If a deferral is granted, drive VERY CAREFULLY. King County Washington defensive driving class is for drivers wishing to defer a speeding, red light, or similar moving infraction court fine in District Court. "mainEntityOfPage":{ A driver may only receive a deferred finding once every seven (7) years for a moving violation, once every seven (7) years for a non . A: Yes, the court rules allow you to submit your sworn written response for a mitigation or contested hearing by mail. If your case is with another court, you will need to contact . The Court will notify you in writing of the hearing date and how to request that witnesses be present. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. If you notice an increase, keep in mind that you always possess the option to shop around for a new provider. To receive a hearing date, you must contact us online through Live Chat, email your request to, or mail a copy of your ticket to the Pierce County District Court within 30 days of the violation date.
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