The water will level out with the percs Paul is a regular contributor to PotGuide and has also contributed to publications such as, SlabMechanix, Litro, and The Trek. With one percolator designed as a spikey blue ball, and the next as a spring shower head disc, this piece serves as a reminder of a timeless classic that never gets old.The golden ring splash guard and white and red themed flower bowl are the cherries on top for any stoner who streams, games, or just wants a unique piece that will always catch someones eye. This smoking apparatus includes water filtration, which helps protect your lungs from inhaling ash. But after a few times filling your percolator bong, youll soon become an expert. The UFO percolator bong also works similarly to the tree as it features a disk in the middle with slits horizontally positioned so that smoke and air can pass. We all have that friend that can roll a joint into such a perfect, smokeable, evenly-burning cone that you'd watch an entire Youtube channel just showing that. Anyone using this website must be over the age of 21 and must agree to age verification services. Filling a bong with percolators. Lastly, fill your percolator bong halfway with clean and warm water. Dispose of used bong water; fill the water chamber with coarse salt and 90% isopropyl alcohol. Let it sit for a short period of timeI usually fill my tube with cleaner right before I go to sleep and let it soak overnight. How to Fill a Bong (and How Much Water is Enough) - Puffr WebLava Glass Percolator Bong Another unique piece this, lava lamp bong features a showerhead perc at the base that extends upwards to hand blown green and charcoal lava glass accents. Percolators provide an extra layer of filtration that cools harsh smoke with water before it enters the lungs. To fill a percolator bong, starting with the lower chamber, whether you have a perc or a downstem you basically want all the slits, holes, or openings to be Follow a simple step-by-step process to fill your bong with water to perfection each time: Step 1: Youll also experience a flavorful explosion of terpenes as you inhale more smoke. Spiral percolator: A simple coil that helps cool smoke as it passes through. You also want to ensure that you dump dirty water from your bong and refill it with fresh water, so it helps to maintain the function of the filtration system and that your hits keep tasting delicious. This releases the vacuum and lets the smoke go up the chamber quickly up to your lungs. And does that mean you have every intention of getting one just for you? Of course, too hot vapor can irritate the throat. On the contrary, massive bongs are usually paired with large ash catchers to keep the aesthetic consistent. Because of the weight and pressure of the water, the first thing you want to avoid is water travelling too far up your downstem. This allows a larger surface area of smoke to hit the water, which in turn, creates a cooler, and smoother, smoke. Make sure that the water chamber is properly filled. Next, carefully remove the ash catcher from the bong and hold it over the sink. Your green will burn naturally and you can use your lung power to create bigger and longer hits. In the absence of slits, just ensure the water is about half an inch from the bottom. Hot on the heels of the Cupsy, Puffco's coffee-cup disguised bong, is the Budsy, a discreet water pipe built around the portability and inconspicuousness of a water bottle. How Much Water to Put in a Bong: A Beginners Guide. The bong is fairly straightforward: smoke is pulled through a chamber filled with water, and as the smoke bubbles up through the liquid, simultaneously the water cools down the temperature of the smoke and extracts out fine particulates such as ash and tar.