Another thought was that get about 3ft of cedar 2b and scew it to the underside of the soffit MAYBE hitting a rafter or two or not hitting them, but I would have some screws into the soffit. Push down on the front of the gutter until the back edge of the gutter slides or snaps in, advises Valiant Exteriors LTD. If you widen existing holes, widen them toward the fascia, but no closer than 3 in. Metal soffits have also been common. That means you should have at least 2.6 sq. The next step is to remove the soffits themselves. A pair of rafters is called a couple. Be sure to properly seal up your access hole when youre finished. Typically built on site, rafters are cut to 2 x 10 pieces and land on a ridge board, which runs across the length of the building. from the fascia to avoid waves and ripples in the soffit plywood. Attic Ventilation: Does My Home Need It? - Advice From Bob Vila in history from the University of Maryland and has training experience in finance, garden center retailing and teaching English as a second language. Dry rot on the ends of gable rafters must be addressed before it spreads to the roof sheathing or rafters in the attic. The Top Fascia to Under Soffit measurement is from top of fascia (under roof sheeting) to the bottom side of the soffit sheeting. If nailing into the fascia board, drive the nail through the nail flange and the V groove. The first and foremost reason to install a soffit on your home is for ventilation. ;-) Gary D. I agree that one measurement with a stud finder through shingles isn't valid due to the nails. If not, back to the drawing board. How to Install Aluminum Soffits that are Maintenance-Free (DIY) Use a stud finder to verify the rafter tails are present. It is commonly made in aluminum and vinyl, as well as fiber cement, wood, and steel. Let moist areas dry out before proceeding. So I have these like 3" nails sticking down visibly under the eaves. Insulating the area around the top plate and soffit If the threads bind while the rod is spun hands get torn up. But I don't know of anyone who has that tech avail for that purpose. 2023 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Replace rotted lookouts so you have a good nailing surface for your new soffit boards (Photo 7). Make sure the helper carries and uses a pair of channel locks. For more information on ventilation and moisture control, read this article I wrote on Proper Attic Ventilation. How to Care for a Flat Roof in the Winter, Repairing the End Cap of a Leaking Gutter, Reasons for a Roof Leak on an External Overhang, This Old House: How to Install Rain Gutters, Valiant Exteriors LTD: The Best of Two Ways to Fasten Gutters to Fascias.
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