a fever in a child age 24 months to 17 years that lasts longer than three days and doesn't respond to treatment Diagnosing the cause of chills Your doctor will ask questions about your chills . By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! 4. Whats the most relaxing thing youve done today? But if youre looking to get a better sense of how that person is actually feeling, asking them whats the most relaxing thing youve done today is a great way to start a conversation and get a better understanding of their current mindset. He means your are just chilling. Oh, cool. In addition to expressing your feelings towards their statement, another way to respond positively is by giving hints about what you are currently doing or planning to do next without giving too much away. If chills and fever persist after treatment, see your doctor to determine the underlying cause. It is important to avoid disrespectful language when communicating. That's great! Here are 12 statements you can use to reply to Just chilling and keep the conversation going: This reply can be used to start a conversation about all kinds of topics. Unfortunately, telling someone to chill usually makes them angry, so I dont advise telling anyone to chill. Early stage. Luckily, no matter how busy you are, its simple to learn how to create time for chilling and also how to best relax. Why Do You Roll Your Eyes When Something Feels Good? I'm out here just chilling, doing what I do. What's the best thing about chilling? You really dont get whats going on here, do you? How Much Time Do I Have Left On My Timer? Privacy Policy. These are all generic responses, but they give you a chance to start a conversation with someone. If your fever is mild and you have no other serious symptoms, you dont have to see a doctor. If there is tension in the air, try to lighten it up with some humour or a joke. You can also use sarcasm, teasing, or even riddles for a bit of fun. 12 Texting Habits You Might Not Realize Are Annoying This will make them curious about what exactly it is that you are up to while allowing them get an idea of how busy your life is right now. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. A: To make your response more creative, you could use humor and jokes to add fun into the conversation. Just chilling. ), 20 of the Best Responses to I Feel Bad For You, 20 Good Comebacks for Someone Who Thinks They Are Better. Speak in a low, even tone with simple and direct language that gets to the point of what youre trying to say. This question allows you to show that you care about their well-being and want to know more about their day. When someone uses this expression, it may also be important to establish boundaries.
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