If the parties are unable to agree upon an arbitrator, each party to the dispute shall have 14 calendar days from the transmittal date in which to strike names objected to, number the remaining names in order of preference, and return the list to the AAA. Same event, same location, same date. For a senior on a low, fixed income, that's a lot of money. These services include, but are not limited to: (i) processing orders, (ii) verifying order details and confirming validity of payment information, (iii) charging your credit or Dates for the Florida home games which would include Game 6 if the best-of Customer service is no help and will not provide a refund. Volleyball Day in Nebraska Tickets Sold Out - University of Nebraska Steve Miller Band Tickets Jul 30, 2023 Dallas, TX | Live Nation I only received one of two tickets. Neither Site Owner nor Service Provider is associated with any official organizer of the events for which tickets are listed. Our checkout cart is encrypted for your protection. ticketsonsale.com Reviews | Shopper Approved When asked to talk to a manager they said no all I can Do is sell the tickets.no I have flown from out of state to attend this concert and have a fun weekend with those that are going. This whole experience quite frankly has been infuriating. See ourPrivacy Policyfor how we treat your data. THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF SITE OWNER, SERVICE PROVIDER, AND ANY OTHER INDEMNIFIED PARTY, AND YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES SUFFERED BY YOU, AND CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE THE GREATER OF (A) THE TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY YOU, IF ANY, TO ACCESS THE SITE OVER THE PAST TWELVE (12) MONTHS; OR (B) $200. Further, you and We agree that THE ARBITRATOR MAY NOT CONSOLIDATE PROCEEDINGS OR MORE THAN ONE PERSONS CLAIMS, AND MAY NOT OTHERWISE PRESIDE OVER ANY FORM OF A CLASS ACTION. They also sent another email the following day so that I could confirm that I had received my tickets, with a link to receive help in case I didn't. How to receive my electronic ticket for tonight's football game. Informal Initial Dispute Mechanism: If you or Site Owner and/or Service Provider intend to bring a claim against the other, that party must first send to the other, by certified mail, a completed Intent to Arbitrate Notice ("Intent Notice"). Both of my preferred choices, the box office and broadway.com were sold out, and tdf.com wasn't selling Funny Girl tickets, so I needed to find an alternate fast, before I missed out. Luckily, paypal is handling the refund for me. Event date, times, venue, and subject matter may change.
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