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Added all remaining megas: Mega Aggron, Mega Camerupt, Mega Diancie, Mega Heracross, Mega Houndoom, Mega Sableye, Mega Scizor, and Mega Steelix. Added Nurse Joy! Pokemon Eternatus Eternatus is the Legendary pokemon whish has two types ( Poison and Dragon) from the 8 generation. Fixed a mod incompatibility with Phosphor, Silent Gems, and many others due to the spawning system handling light incorrectly. Fixed a crash caused by out-of-sync Berry Tree tiles. Fixed an Index out of Bounds error thrown by. DNA Splicers are carried by wild Kyurem when you catch them! Fixed mega stones being removed once Pokmon have been mega evolved mid battle. Fake Out will no longer work twice in a row. Flying Pokmon mounts now have datapackable "charges" whilst in the air, preventing infinite flying. Really. . Same issue as the Greninja thing really but he gets his own entry. Ultra Desert Cactus now can be cooked into Purple Dye. Thank you StabWaifu, happyzlife, and Amethyst ( for these contributions! Here's the list of legendary and mythical pokemon and where they spawn. The following commands have been added (so far): Berry trees now feature as a world spawning tree for all currently existing berries. Fixed mega abilities reverting after switching out and back in. Added new hourglass blocks: Isi's Copper Hourglass, Isi's Silver Hourglass, Isi's Gold Hourglass and Isi's Diamond Hourglass. Pokmon will only not take lava damage if they are Fire type. Bolt Beak and Fishous Rend no longer do enough damage to remove a Pokemon from existence. Fixed Healing moves not affecting a Pokmon with Revenant even if it is at full health. Fixed the sash position while wearing a robe. Added a Color Blind Mode config option for Ultra Space fog. Shiny Galarian Zapdos sprite's eyes now colour matches accurately. Fixed Pangoro not being in the Humanlike egg group like Pancham. Added Wiglett and Wugtrio to Beaches, Lukewarm Ocean and Warm Ocean spawns. Battle Bond Greninja failing to display the correct ability when spawned in through wild spawning and commands. Changed RandomObjective, moved PokemonObjective away from storing specs as this breaks things. You can no longer fish with a fainted team. Fixed the Love Ball only working on same-gendered Pokmon. Added Zygarde forms and the reassembly machine. /pokereload now reloads the Pixelmon hocon and the Better Spawner config and the spawning external JSONs and pretty much everything else except stat JSONs. Hisuian Decidueye will learn Triple Arrows after evolving from Dartrix. SetTrainerObject now properly updates name. Disabling an entire generation of spawns will now also effect wild trainers and traders. All default spawning has a player cause. Sorry about your resource packs. Changing a spawn action to or from a legendary will correctly add/remove the legendary announcement. Fixed some shaders causing battles to look underwater and just that little bit nauseating. Fixed a hacking vulnerability with NPC trading. Moved all the Pokmon models into a separate subfolder under models. Move tutor NPCs will now have 20 available moves instead of 3. Increased the hardness of Zygarde machines, no longer made of drywall. Added Obscured status effect configuration per move. This fixes all issues with mint natures being ignored when stats are updated, such as by level up or other changes. Ice-Ride Calyrex' texture now colour matches properly. Fixed the Little Boy, Policeman, Punk Girl, Rancher, Sailor, Scientist M and Shop Girl NPC textures.

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