Corrupt, Crimson and Hallowed Mimics require 25 kills to be awarded completion of their Bestiary entry and corresponding banner, as opposed to the usual 50 kills. Mimics are very useful for healing, since they can copy a players build and spells. If you'd like to do things more automatically, stay tuned as I have simple guides coming that will cover making wastelands that spawn only monsters you desire based on biome, and even keeping them where you want them so they are easy to kill via trap or your own blade. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? There are lots of places above and below your horizontal path where Mimics could spawn and you'd never notice. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It's surprising how much gold and materials you can farm doing this, and how regularly you'll get Mimics. If you are lazy and don't care about all this mechanical stuff, you might skip to Putting it Together but at least check my images for tips. Use the form below to share your own experiences and provide helpful tips to other readers. Mimics which are enthralled by the Crimson are empowered dramatically. It works well with other skills, so dont dismiss it just because its not as effective as the Mimic Tear. Mimic spawning : Terraria - Reddit They can also copy any equipment, consumables, or weapons that are active on the player. The complete guide to Terraria Mimics! They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force. These enemies are typically located on the outskirts of zones. In this area, youll find a boss named Mimic Tear. Now go to the edge and count 100 down from the top. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? This will cause the Mimic to hop toward the lava pit. Tips & FAQS - In Development This size will ensure control over spawns for the most part. We can spawn a Hallowed, Crimson, or Corruption Mimic and they also spawn randomly in the world. The most efficient way to farm them is to make a farm for them, of course! They can also spawn halfway inside blocks, partially hanging off a block over empty space, or in front of background objects and other enemies, where real chests cannot be placed.